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Ok, so I type. I complain about the typing for my other story, which I guess I should be typing, or doing my maths homework. There are hundreds of things I could be doing right now and they would be a lot more productive than this. But hey, I guess I should document the inner workings of my brain, y'know, for science or clues to why i was murdered.

So school. My class was very 'artistic' today. Note the quotation marks. At lunch someone wrote 'Ishmael Jones is horny' on the wall with what could have been Vegemite. God knows anymore. Renee and I used the chalk that had previously been used by some guys in our class to draw 8 big squares on the basketball court to graffiti the seats. I drew an Asian looking Iron Man, wrote derp on many things, she wrote her name and drew a penis. Her maturity level is sooo high... That was sarcasm, I do hope you realised. If you didn't, it's ok, I've pointed it out now. We then played headbutt ball, which is like hide and seek, but if you get hit by a ball you're caught and the only way to deflect it is to headbutt it. We had the best hiding spot, with Katie. But they bloody laughed, so we were tagged. How rude.

Drama, oh how I could go on and on about you. IT'S HORRID. Well this year anyway. Our teacher treats us like small children. We are supposed to be performing on Friday and she has changed our plays so much from the original format. Not that the original was any good in the first place. Except Katie can't fangirl on cue. It's funny, but sad. What shall we do when we finally meet RDJ? Stand there and shake his hand and say 'hello, old chap. Nice to finally meet you. Terrible weather we are having, isn't it?' (I hope you read that in a posh English accent. That's what it sounded like in my head.)

Speaking of English, have any of you people ever searched up mpreg on this here Wattpad? I did for shits 'n' giggles. Don't, unless you don't mind being disturbed by One Direction inbred shippings. Mpreg is weird. I've accidentally read a few on other fanfic sites (like FrostIron ones.) unwittingly, and I find them a bit creepy, some of them are really well written, don't get me wrong, but when you're looking for something to read in class when you have nothing to do and have to be silent, the last thing you want is to be trying not to crack up because Tony Stark is bloody pregnant. Although its fun to send people screenshots of it and watch their faces as they read. Afterwards they come up to you and are all 'WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT SHIT?'

Like when I first heard of the shipping of FrostIron. I tried to type Forrest into google images without looking at the keyboard using my elbow really fast and Apple autocorrected it to FrostIron. I was shocked and appalled when it didn't come up with trees I could photoshop Slender Man into. Then I told Renee about it. And all my other friends. Jeremy still looks at me strangely whenever Renee says it and is all 'WHY ARE YOU READING GAY PORN!?' But one day I was sitting with Silver in art, not doing much, when Renee iMessages me the worst possible images of FrostIron she could find. Lets just say I wasn't very pleased. I screamed at her after class about it, as the head of IT supposedly checks our iPads regularly (lol, no he doesn't, he just monitors the Internet traffic). But we laughed about it in the end. We still do. I mention I want to change my last name to something you'd have to be an idiot to misspell, like Frost, she goes 'lol, FrostIron'.

I seem to attract the crazy people. Maybe that's why my home room's pretty good this year. Except for two annoying people, but I can rant about them later. I would trade both of them for Daphne. If I'm not in her home room next year I am complaining to Ms Howard. She's our vice-principle who everyone seems to think is pure evil. But she got rid of the two wheely bins that were stinking out our classroom, so that's good. Our room doesn't stink anymore. But those random things are still stuck on the roof. They have been there forever and no one knows what they are. They could be anything, pineapple, chewing gum, masking tape. No one's game enough to investigate.

Eh, interesting stuff might happen tomorrow. We don't have a lunch time because drama class practice thing. Grr. But it's Thorsday tomorrow. Something's bound to get hammered, literally or otherwise...

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