All Your Base Are Belong To Us. Make Your Time.

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Ok, so Dredd was brilliant. Who knew people could make blood splatters so artistic via slow-motion? There was only 5 people in the cinema, which was a huge bonus, because I didn't get shushed when I had to explain something to Belle. Score. So if you're bored in the next few days, go see it. In 3D. The effects are beautiful for a movie that is supposed to be oh-so gory. I was more disgusted watching the Iron Man: Extremis motion comic. Now that was creepy. *shudders*

SPEAKING OF CREEPY (not gross creepy, just creepy creepy)... Katie seems to think I am destined to be with Tom Hiddleston, one way or another. Yeah, I do fangirl a teeny, weeny bit (you, *points at Katie* you shut up. Don't make me tell everyone about your wedding in grade 7.) but its not over-the-top screams, crying, eeeeeeeek fangirling normal people do, like to, say, Justin Beiber or One Direction. (no offence, but I don't like either. There is just something off putting about them. They annoy me.)

OHMYGOD, THERE IS A KOOKABURRA ON MY WINDOWSILL! How'd that get there? Oh, wait, its gone now, it flew off.

So yeah, anyway, her theory started the other day when I told her about a dream I had that confused and creeped me out immensely. Said dream goes like this:

I'm at the Oscars. On the red carpet. There are photographers. I have no idea what's going on, so I stand and wave in my dress which I can't remember what it looked like. So it's all, "Hi, I have no idea what I'm doing here, can I leave now? I think that's my car over there, etc" and then Mr Hiddleston suddenly is standing behind me and says "ready to go inside?" And I, throughout the whole dream, don't speak a word, but I'm thinking 'What the fuck are you doing here? Actually, a better question would be, what the fuck am I doing here?' Really. I DON'T WANT FAME. I like privacy. I like being able to walk around my backyard in my PJs at 3 o'clock on a Sunday afternoon, dancing to Madonna. So yeah, he leads me inside, we sit down at a table full of celebs. Morgan Freeman is sitting next to us. George Clooney is a few tables over. I am still very confused as to my being there. Waah, I don't like this. People are watching me. Well, they're watching the guy next to me, I'm just caught in the middle of everything. Everything goes quiet, awards start being given out. Tom Hiddleston gets one for some movie he made. He makes speech, gets applause, I'm still sitting here feeling awkward. I clap with everyone else and he comes back down with big, stupid grin. I, for all my awkwardness, smile at him, give him the thumbs up, congratulating him in my mute ways. He then proposes.


And then I woke up, even more confused at life. I then scolded my brain for being creepy and told it not to do that ever again.

But the Internet seems to have picked up on the Fates' vibe. HE TURNS UP FUCKING EVERYWHERE. For example, I was looking at the iPad minis on the Apple site, after my small sibling discovered you could engrave stuff on them. And there was an example for it. It said 'To my Darling Mia, all my love, Tom.' And that is why I have decided that math homework with a pumping Tiesto remix of 'Die Another Day' is a good thing to detach myself from the universe.

So Katie shall pick on this for eons and I'm never going on the Internet ever again unless I have to.

It'd be funny if he was reading this. Aheh.

I was going to write about something else, but I have slightly forgotten.

Oh, yknow that chick I mentioned a while back, the one that used to be my friend? Yeah, well she's picked up on the changing vibe of things. Katie and I were told by our lovely school councillor to be "Cold, distant, but polite." We did that, then she hugged me from behind. I froze up and she let go, said "bye" and I just stared at the ground the whole time. She knows I don't like her and am angry with her, STOP PRETENDING EVERYTHING'S OK! You know it's not. Fess up. *insert frustrated pleas here*

Now, I should do this math assignment that we've had an extra week for and it's due in Monday and I've hardly touched it. That may be a good idea...


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