Ok, Enough's Enough

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Oh for fucks sake... Every single writer here, I want you to pay attention to this, especially if you DO do this. Let me give you a scenario.

I want to create a love story about some heartless guy falling in love with this girl who has had a really hard life. What will her background be?

I've been seeing this trend. A bit of being a victim of bullying, an orphan, a dead foster parent, moves around a lot, can cook, heart of gold, goes through incredible mood swings, blah blah blah.

You know what else seems to be popular lately?

Rape victims.

Look, I can see the point of making the heroine one. To show that she has truly suffered something horrible and to give a reason to why she has trust issues/emotional instability/nightmares/irrational fears. But lately people have been shitting me to no end by using this... As, well... *brain can't describe scenarios*.. They use this and never truly deal with it. It's never really reflected on. At all. And some people go so far as to make their character suffer through it again. And again. And again. I'm noticing also that the character never has any physical or psychological effects afterwards. It's like the author just gone "Hey, you've just been raped, now lets get you back to gushing over the love interest." I'm up to chapter 4 in the current story I'm reading and the heroine has already been raped twice, not counting her original encounter. All she's done is cry and have to tell the love interest. It was the same in the one I read previously. She was raped again and again, over and over. I hate it. I despise it. How could you do that? I know they're not real but how could you bear to make your creation suffer like that?

And you could do so much if it only happened once. The growth of the character as your story progressed, the anticipation as she prays with all her heart that the rapist is caught, the joy when she finally feels safe again, the intrigue of the love interest as he notices the change in her behaviour, as she learns that the world isn't fair, as he asks her what's up, how she has to gather up the courage to tell him what's happened, his feelings on it, her shame, his caring, their love, their conflict. If you just actually dealt with the fact that your lead female character has been raped, and that the police should be notified so the rapist can be caught, instead of completely forgetting about it and moving on to something irrelevant, maybe I wouldn't be ranting about this.

We may all joke about it at one time or another, but rape is a very serious issue.


Reading a story and, like Homer in The Simpsons Movie, chanting 'Gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay GAY.' because fan fiction. Why the hell is the main character too gay to function? This is why we can't have nice stories about a boy and a girl falling in love without the girl being psychologically disturbed and without the guy being secretly gay. Yes, I do ship some of them but I just want a nice one that's good to read on a rainy day and will make me go nawww IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK!?!?! IS IT? ARGH.


Ok, why in holy hell am I watching MarbleHornets? I'm only up to entry 5 and the audio nearly has me in tears because I am completely and irrationally freaking out over absolutely nothing important because everyone knows Slender Man lives in Germany and only comes out to kidnap all the children when it's foggy and dark and it's not dark here and i don't live in Germany so I don't know why I'm panicking and rambling and freaking out over nothing and maybe I should stop watching it and go on Tumblr or something or read a nice happy book about fluffy stuff like rabbits and kittens and ponies and Steve but I won't because I'm having such a fun time I'm so happy happy happy watching this I mean really Slender Mans a funny guy ha ha and it's not like its a serious video right so I am perfectly fine cuddled up in a blanket in my room watching this because he's so not gonna get me hell who am I kidding yes he is he will get everyone eventually OMG maybe that's what they meant by apocalypse it's gonna be Slender Man clones out to take over the universe maybe he was a genetic experiment that escaped and felt murderous and wanted revenge on his captors so he kidnaps small children descended from the families of the people that experimented on him and all he needs is a big hug and a cup of tea and some biscuits WAAAH Internet why are you so fond of creeping me out I mean really HE'S FUCKING LOOKING THROUGH THE FUCKING WINDOW OF THIS GUYS HOUSE HOLY FUCK ITS FUCKING SCARY and following this guy around town and its scaring the fucking shit out of me if this happened to me I'd either commit suicide because I'm freaking out right now just watching it happen to someone else or I'd go into training to be a master assassin or I'd go buy a shotgun and now the guys running through the trees and you can't see anything and was a waste of film that and now dad says he's turning the Internet off because I apparently use it all and I'm like all 'lol k' because I really want to stop watching but I can't it's so scary it's addictive and yeah.


So did everyone have a good Christmas? Did you all get awesome stuff? I got Lego, Sherlock DVDs, money which I used to get Pokemon games off eBay, clothes and two things of hair dye. My hair is now purple. It's pretty swish. Why did I just say swish? Probably the same reason I wrote a paragraph of commentary of how freaked out I get over nothing that has no punctuation whatsoever.


I have no good reason for not updating my main story, do I?


I think the app is broken. First all of my books I'd saved disappeared, all the ones I was in the middle of reading just poof, gone. Second, I type all my stuff on my iPad through the app, and this which I supposedly updated wouldn't show up and it was bugging me but hopefully it's fixed now.

Because I would like to finish some of my reading material thank you.

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