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So yeah, I'm going to fail Health class this year. Oh well, I'm not going for a career in sport.

With all the voices in my head, the clever words I never said, and you just let it happen... In a Girl Panic. This traffic make it through my mind, It's a crush panic, she's got me atomized. In a Girl Panic, the Midnight traffic in her eyes. Like a hypnotic, and I am mesmerized.

^^ that's probably my favourite song at the moment. And when I say probably, I mean it's my ringtone.


Renee has lent me her Yu-Gi-Oh Game Boy game and it has been frustrating me for the past ten minutes. But I'm getting better at it.

Speaking of frustrating, everybody seems to be having this problem lately with bitching, mouthing, ranting, and just generally stirring up trouble. And the problem is I'm apparently involved somewhat (despite the fact I don't feel I have done anything to offend anyone, and if I have it hasn't been brought to my attention) and I have no idea how I became involved in the first place. I get one half of the story, but not both. If I had both I could possibly try to mediate. But I never will, because that's just how people work. And the side I've heard has fewer plot holes than what I had been previously told by the other side.



So here's my plan: I'm going to write a three-page update for Witchcraft, possibly an update for Waif (people are reading it. It's terrifying me.), work on my next chapter for Invisible Things, reread To Kill A Mockingbird, write an essay on discrimination by Wednesday, and have a horror film-athon with Daphne. K? K.

How to tell if you should be worried about how many reads your story is getting

1. Find a story with over ten thousand reads

2. Compare the votes. If you have a small amount of reads but a shitload of votes, be worried.


I've started migrating all my music off my old computer on to the new one and its taking shorter than expected. SMASHING!

So the Waif update is chugging along like one of those trains that always runs smoothly and shit. It's beautiful. I'm so proud of me. I haven't even thought about it in ages and ever since I swore to myself that I'd update everything, it's just flowed. Except Witchcraft. That's still giving me shit. Probably because I go back and read it and get embarrassed by my shoddy writing. *facepalms dramatically* it may possibly be doomed. But everything is going well for Invisible Things, so it's all good.


Well that completely ruined my day. Thank you so much for asking me if I wanted to hang out these holidays. I'm going away, but the gesture would've been really appreciated. And I didn't think my day could get any worse. *sighs and shakes head* I could say more, but sadly I've come to expect the moody, depressive, manipulative, bitchy behaviour from 53.5% of my friends. This is why I'm going to burn my school down...


Apparently my current career choice is the same as it was when I was five. Cool.

Satan is the one who decided antivirus software has an expiry date.

So I went to the travel doctor yesterday to get needles. I only had to get one for rabies (but I have to have another two needles for that) and these weird tablet things that are apparently an 'oral vaccine.' It's for typhoid, I think, because there is a global shortage of the needles for it. So yeah, I had one of those tablets this morning.


I'm going to cry. I'm so going to cry and I'm not even up to the last episode. OTP feels. Ok, I cried. I. Goddamned. Cried. Why am I crying? IT'S JUST A TV SHOW. Ok, no it's not. Now there's a shift in storyline AND IM CRYING AGAIN. I guess it's just my childhood slowly dissolving. I WILL FOREVER KEEP YU-GI-OH ON THIS HARD DRIVE AND I WILL NEVER LET IT GO. I still can't believe I cried. I'm such a wreck. So pathetic.

Bird bird lamb chop bird and bigger bird.

Ok, I did cry. OH MY GOD, MY CHILDHOOD IS OVER. Also, the Internet has diagnosed me with an existential crisis. Next thing you know, it'll be multiple personality disorder or something. Never believe the Internet. It's full of lies. And ponies.


I did not write that essay by the desired due date. As long as I get it done sometime, I'm good.

It has been raining on and off for the past three days. I don't really mind it, but if its really cold as well it pisses me off.

Oh yeah, I made art out of most of my fake Yu-Gi-Oh cards. The magic cards go really well with my green wall.


Y'know, I always have second thoughts about publishing these things if I think I seem nasty and bitter when writing about things or people. Like, they feel too. But I guess because this is a rant book, and it's my rant book, I just write whatever comes into my head. These kinds of things shouldn't be edited. It's getting reads? That's nice enough, but this was never expected to get any major numbers. It's just my feelings on daily life. But yeah, I'm always happy to receive complaints and try to fix things. Although if you need me to mediate a fight, I'm out. I'm done with that, it's just too difficult. Especially when it's an every-other-week thing.


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