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NEVER ASSUME! It makes an ass out of you and me.


DENIAL! Is just a river in Egypt. (Ba-boom tish)


Guess what I found out... No, but it's the next best thing (well, in my opinion).

Some guy, you may have heard of him, named Michael Fassbender is starring in a movie based on a video game series called Assassin's Creed which you may have heard of/played/watched someone's brother play it while constantly yelling "DESMOND!"

Speaking of movies, I went and saw Les Miserables today. Fucking awesome and I now want The Wolverine to be a musical. I was the youngest person in the cinema, and we all applauded when the movie finished because it was that good. That's how awesome old people are. But can I just say we didn't need to hear Javert's back snap when he landed on the concrete barrier in the river with a deafening crack. That was just disturbing.


Look, I know I shouldn't be openly proud about my writing because its boastful, its not even that good and it's taking me forever BUT... I kinda just wrote one of those magical lines which makes you unintentionally read it in your head in the characters voice. I.. I lost it. I felt so proud. But then mum told me to go do something productive so I stopped mid-word. So now I have to get back into the right frame of mind, but I think I'm gonna do that thing that some authors do where they suggest a song to listen to in a part of the chapter.


- Socialise with dweebs (on purpose)

- Take a vacation

- Humour

- Smile. (Smirking does not count) (but when he does smile, puppies die)

- compliments.

- Win duels against Yugi (without threatening to jump off a building)


- Asserts his manliness by bagging out Bakura.

- Takes everything too seriously

- Strikes nerves.

- Yells a lot

- Sarcasm

- Bad puns (Bond-esque ones. Watch some of the old Bond movies and you'll see what I'm talking about)

- Scowls

- Maniacal laughter.

- Plotting.

- Joey Wheeler.

I have now, officially, lost my shit because SUPERNATURAL IS BACK ON! ALL OF MY FANGIRLY FEELS! *SQUEALS!* PIE!


So Frank is cosplaying at the anime convention in march, which is awesome, so I decided to have a look on or whatever the site address is for a costume for me. Then mum, because I have no money, suggested I make one. I thought, that's a brilliant idea. So I'm cosplaying as Milly Ashford from Code Geass and I'm gonna make the school uniform all by myself (mostly). I'll see if I can work out how to put a picture on here so you guys can see what it's s'posed to look like. Later in the year, you can see my fail. Or, I may earn the money so I can just buy it. We shall see.

Ok, SOMEONE TELL ME HOW THIS IS GETTING ANY READS WHATSOEVER. I know some of my friends read it, but jeez, how in satan's name did this get 900 or so? Honestly. Yes, I am completely insane but come on. I don't think I'm that interesting.



I never thought I would be a part of one of those conversations where you are asked if you also got an invite to someone's party and you're the only person who replies negatively. I feel sad now.

HEY EVERYONE! LOOK AT ME! IM ACTUALLY RESEARCHING STUFF FOR MY STORY! I NEVER DO THAT! And I'm planning stuff too. Maybe it's because I'm sick and just disliking people more than usual. Eh. But then I get distracted and watch the Bonds Beyond Time abridged movie. ALL OF THE HOMO! I may be slightly jumping on the Synchroshipping bandwagon BUT I have considered it before. I read the 5d's manga, found out about the anime and the 3D movie. Maybe I just find playing card games on motorcycles more appealing than whatever the hell GX was going on about. Sure, I've read some good Starshipping one-shots (I even voted on one), BUT I don't like Judai. He annoys me. But then there's Yusei...

Why is Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker so hipster? I'm watching The Amazing Spider Man and its annoying the shit out of me. It's a decent movie, it's just... The Peter Parker I know can't ride a skateboard. He's too uncoordinated. And he's not famous for his artsy photography either. He's an unpopular nerd, not a fucking hipster. Look, this reboot Spider-Man is a lot more pun-ny than the last movie one, which is awesome because its taking some influence from the comics, but I didn't like the Peter Parker portrayal. Although I did notice while watching, thanks to Tumblr, that Andrew Garfield does have a nice butt.


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