Mucky tv,jbvhgkfkg,jug out (AKA AUTOCORRECT, EVERYBODY!)

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I met a little girl today. She was very sweet. I met her in Windhelm. She sold me some flowers. She's a little orphan. Her mother died when she was small, and her father was a soldier with the Stormcloaks. Her name is Sophie. My mission is now to complete my house so she can come and live with me and my demon-spawn horse on the coast. ALL MY ASSASSINATIONS ARE GOING ON THE BACKBURNER UNTIL I HELP THIS LITTLE GIRL.


Today was a good day. Y'know why? Because I spent 2 hours shooting little kids with lasers and playing DDR, bought a dress that'd be great for a funeral, found my Bastille album, and also managed to purchase volume 1 of 5D's hiding in the corner of the local tech store.


Well shit, looks like I'm going to miss the deadline for uploading the next chapter of Witchcraft. Oh well, as long as I get it up I guess. Happy 5000 reads to me *throws confetti in the air*


I love how my most popular Tumblr text post is about rage-quitting before I start posting shit about lettuce. These people get me.

Just btw, I ended up abandoning my house I was building on the coast because 3 giants spawned outside it and wouldn't leave me alone (even when I was using the blacksmithing stuff) SO instead I bought one in Solitude and its a beautiful thing. I adopted Sophie, found another kid at the stables and adopted him too, and then I found out (after doing some quests for the Temple of Mara) that you can get married so I did (to this random swaggot who didn't actually seem that impressed I was single [dese NPCs are cray-cray]). Then I helped the Stormcloaks with their hostile takeover of Skyrim, then I got turned into a Vampire Lord, did some cheats (I now have way too much money), and got a new horse. His name's Frost. He's the son of Sleipnir. You can see why I love him already.


I'm having one of those days where I don't want to leave the house.

I need to update all the things.


So my boring as arse science teacher has given us this boring as arse project thing on boring as arse margarine which is incredibly stupid. But it's only one page, so I guess that's alright.


Okay, so I'm up to about episode 8 of 5D's and so far I'm incredibly emotionally attached. So attached in fact that I have indeed screamed out "MY BABY/IES" more than once. Yusei's such a cutie uwu

Skyrim keeps crashing. Probably coz I spawned 450 NPCs to help me fight dragons and shit.


I'm finding all these cute pictures of kittens because, despite the fact it's the middle of the day, watching horror movies alone may not be a good idea.


I'm writing the update, I said. Be up by the end of the month, I said. *sigh* fuck.

I'm going away for a week. AW YISSSSSSSS!!!!

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