Snails Dont Like Cheese

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Gallipoli. You may have heard of it. If you haven't, I'll explain. During World War 1, apart from the events of War Horse, the English weren't that good at planning battles and stuff. The Gallipoli campaign was one of those. It involved all the Australian and New Zealand soldiers. We are learning about it in class.

Ms Doyles face lol. Babies.

Sorry, that was Renee.

I had a breakdown today. I lol'd. Otherwise, life was boring.

I'm guessing you want to hear about said breakdown? Cool.

Well, there is this girl, who if she is reading this (which I doubt she is) will know who she is and will scoff and bitch and whatever. But anyway, for the past 4-5 months myself, Katie, Daphne and Belle have been constantly snubbed and ignored by her, and I honestly can't say when the last time I had a conversation with her was. She is always there with her boyfriend (a social recluse who speaks to no one but her but loves to intimidate people who have done her wrong) sucking face, and he is 'lost' without her (he just stands there by the fence waiting for her to show up). I would like to know how my dear readers would behave if someone they had called one of their best friends for three years completely isolated them and would go so far to ignore them as to look them straight in the eye and proceed to walk into them, forcing them to move out of the way.

But it's not just the constant ignoring. For example, she did the same thing with her ex and when that relationship crumbled she ran straight back to us, her so-called 'friends', expecting a warm welcome and chocolate. The fact that she treats us like shit and expects us always to be there for her sickens me.

Daphne went to hospital last week. She didn't message her once. She didn't care. One. Bit. And if she did, she didn't show it. No "Hey, how's Daphne going? Is she alright?", she just said when Daphne came back, "oh, I didn't know about the messaging." It takes 2-3 minutes to text someone. It's just...

And let me tell you, I have a high tolerance rate. Ask any of my friends, I'm the one who always has that beacon of hope thing going on. And this pushed me close to breaking point. And the extra snubbing earlier this week. But then when she looks all depressed, Katie sends her a gif of Tom Hiddleston in the shower (don't ask how we found it, just go with it). All she said was that her boyfriend was hotter. That was push number 2 (it sounds ridiculous, I know, but ignore me for months, sure, but you just can't insult Tom Hiddleston and expect to have no repercussions).

Push number three came this morning. I was minding my own business, happy that I got the camp I really wanted to go on, happy I had friends on it, just feeling happy, when Katie comes up to me.

Katie: "Guess who we saw?"

Me: "Really? She speak to you?"

K: "Nope. Snubbed again. But anyway, Belle asked her what camp she got on."

M: "Yeah.."

K: "She said 'Horse Riding. With Mia.' (With Mia was said with the worlds grumbliest, most sarcastic voice ever. I'm not kidding)

M: *slams locker shut* "That's it, I'm fucking done! I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!"

*we walk outside*

M: *starts pelting my grapes at the wall as hard as I can* "I. Can't. Handle. This. Any. More. This. Is. Too. Fucking. FAR!" *runs out of grapes, stands fuming*

She walks up the hill towards us and goes to hug me.

M: *puts up hand and pushes her away* "IM DONE!!!!!!!" *storms off in massive rage*

Let me tell you, I felt a weight lift off me in that moment. I felt so happy.

But at lunch, Renee sits on the oval. Me, still having loud, laughing conversation with her, sits down. Belle sits down. Then she comes over with her BF and sits down. I was still laughing with Renee but then excused myself from her presence and Daphne and I went and sat together somewhere else. We had fun. But you know what's funny? If she wants us to think she doesn't care, then why would she keep watching us at lunch then? And Renee told me she was bitching about us really loudly to her boyfriend, complaining how everyone was mad at her and she hadn't done anything, him backing up her comments.

And she's right. She hasn't done anything.

That's the whole fucking problem.

How do you keep a friendship going when you're the only one acting like a friend should? I'm no ones peasant. I'm not going to be there when your perfect little existence comes crashing down. And why should I be? YOU HAVE TREATED ME LIKE A DOORMAT FOR MONTHS!


But the really amusing bit was when I completely Hulked-out during science. Renee told me about the bitching thing and I raged like you wouldn't believe. I was nearly sent out to calm down.

I was then subsequently told off by the teacher for laziness. As you do.

But, yeah, she should be glad I didn't do anything stupid.

Stupidity isn't my forté.

Well I have things to do, like learn my lines for the play tomorrow that we are performing and missing out on electives for, then I'm going to play Just Dance 3 and cook dinner.


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