My Helicarrier Ships Kingcrab

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So I was reading a 5D's fic and my dad was watching Glee (don't even ask) and they started singing that Dangerzone/Old Time Rock and Roll thing and... I lost it. IM SO DONE.


So I finally started my World Studies assessment thing, that was s'posed to be done by last week. I WILL GET IT DONE.

Well, I'd be finished by now if dad didn't need the computer to get me a new passport. Poo.

Ceremonial Duel fics make me cry.

I have discovered this beautiful Japanese dictionary app and it has taught me many things, like how to say whore house.

SOMEBODY buy me the Qwop app.


I've told my mum six thousand times to not go into my room and rearrange all my shit. Guess what she fucking did today? AND EVERY DAMN TIME SHE RUINS MY SYSTEM ON MY BOOKSHELVES AND I FUCKING HATE IT. SHE ONLY MOVED SHIT A FEW MONTHS AGO AND THIS IS NOT FUCKING OK AND JUST ARRRRRRRRGH!

If I write that my inspiration for my short story was a piece of fan fiction, do you think my teacher will google it to see what it's about? Because so. Much. Homo. And I actually think its a good story it's just, well, fanfiction and its for school and yeah. Also I assume she's expecting for me to write something humorous, not dark, dreary, depressing beginnings of sagas. Apparently she thinks I normally write humour. I SAY THEE NAY!

Oh wow. I know I was joking about it at school, but come on. Seriously? To Kill A Mockingbird fan fiction exists. I fucking lol'd.


So it's Friday again. I'm stuck sitting on the floor in Creative Writing again, writing assessment pieces to depressing songs. Again. And I keep getting bored and its really annoying, but it's ok, one of the three bits I just stole from the first chapter of Waif. The second is basically an idea for further along in Invisible Things, and the third is a piece I wrote in class months ago. PRODUCTIVITY. Not really. Still bored as Satan. I feel like watching GX Abridged. Nobody is speaking, so.... People suck. Blargh.

Motorcycles and ramen.

I'm scared I'm going to accidentally write Yusei. I'm freaking out. I mean, I misspelled about in my English assignment so it said aibou. Anything could frigging happen.


My iPod can go from Britney Spears to Doctor Who in 0.4 seconds.

Apparently I'm not accepting enough. Maybe I'm just tired of everyone's bullshit. I've been lacking empathy for about two weeks now. Maybe it's because everyone dumps all their shit on me and they've been complaining so much lately I just don't care anymore. Maybe it's because you found my blog "accidentally" and I now assume you've read all this. Maybe it's because I assume you've read it and haven't learned a damn thing. Maybe it's because nobody tells me anything of any importance. Maybe it's because I'm there for you and then when your crisis is over, you leave. Maybe it's just me, over thinking everything again. Maybe it's you saying one thing and then doing the opposite. Maybe it's you stating you have nothing when, in truth, you have everything. Maybe it's me being ignored for no reason again. Maybe it's me trying to start multiple conversations and no one wants to speak to me. Maybe it's me being involved in conversations where people want Death Notes, but knowing I'd be a massmurderer. Maybe it's the fact that my psyche isn't as stable as everyone thinks it is. Maybe I should go back to that stage where I only speak when spoken to.



Look, just because I hate on something doesn't mean I can't act civilised towards it. This goes for everything and everyone, but mainly I'm talking about GX. I can willing write about Jaden positively... As a supporting character. Badum-tiss.

I've learned more about life by kicking a rock along the street than I have in school.


People should not bully when they can't even come up with a simple comeback for the question "Why are you such a nuisance?" Honestly, you're gonna throw someone else's books at me and bag out some perfectly nice people and not expect me to retaliate rationally? Of course I'm not going to stand up and scream at you. I'm going to turn around and question your actions because no one else is. Dipshit.

Emma and Tegan are quite entertaining, to be honest. I think I've mentioned Emma once or twice, but not Tegan. Emma is a bit like me, but less anime/comic-ness and slightly more hipster. She plays Skyrim a lot and always finds the most random shit on the internet (like Portal underwear). She's my science buddy. Tegan is weird, in a good way. She enjoys the works of William Shakespeare and is amused by the 'Exit, pursued by Javert' Les Mis meme. She likes Tegan and Sarah very much.

Oh hey, I forgot to say what I actually ended up writing for creative writing. One was a short Death Note drabble (because watching an anime while trying to do homework NEVER influences your writing), the other was about a girl who'd been an involuntary time traveller (not Doctor Who related. Seriously. In all truth, it was more 5D's than anything. But I didn't mention any card games. Only motorcycles).


I ORDERED MY FIRST BUBBLE TEA TODAY. IT TASTED LIKE FLOWERS! My expectations for everything just got higher.

I have this thing with spiders. I really don't like seeing them squashed. I dunno why. At school, people see a spider and scream like its a frigging giant robot from outer space or something. They make this huge commotion and, frankly, it's embarrassing. I often offer to take the spider outside, but usually one of the guys squishes it. What did the spider ever do to you? They just sit there, eating annoying bugs and shit. It's not like its going to purposely jump you and, I dunno, hug your face and lay an egg inside you. Sometimes if I see them before the squealers do, I try and shoo them into a hidey hole. That's what I've been doing with this one that's been living in my bathroom for a week. My mum and sister hate spiders. Every time I'm in there I drive it to a place where it's a bit camouflaged. I feel sorry for it. It doesn't have a name yet. I'll probably end up calling it Steve.

Emma wants to have a tea party. With Tegan and Hannah. And me too. Aren't we cool? Apparently we'll bake cookies and stuff too. I'm up for it.


So I watched the trailer for The Wolverine. So far, I'm unimpressed. I'm absolutely positive I want to see it, but I'm more likely to get it off the Internet than to see it in cinemas.


I seem to have forgotten the majority of what I was going to write. 'Flawless' does that to me. Oh well. Moral of the story is don't fuck Renee. Also, civility and an air of politeness is important. Treat everyone with a sort of respect, even if you don't particularly like them much.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me thrice, and I'll kill you with a rusty spork.

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