Say a message is from a teacher and people will freak.

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Have you ever gotten right into a book and become so connected to the characters that when one of them is tortured to the point that their skin is blistered and burnt and they're near-dead because the other thinks they are lying about not being in league with the Enchantress to steal his brothers soul and betray everybody in the house and he's not lying and genuinely trying to help everyone that you nearly start crying? I'm up to that bit. Tomorrow I may cry. I never cry. I'm a heartless ice queen who doesn't even care who her best friend used to like and tells her to get over her most recent crush. I don't cry in movies, I don't cry when I'm angry/sad/happy/*insertemotionhere*, I just don't do crying. THAT IS MY WAY.

Wow, I sound like a bitch, don't I?

I'm sorry. For everything. I just don't do emotion, ok? I just don't care. It's a bad habit...

For example, this is how an iMessage went today:

Eliza: *sends picture that says 'my boyfriend is like the 30th of February. He doesn't exist*

Me (annoyed because I don't find it funny. I have Tumblr, I've seen all those hipster-quote-pic-things): *sends back altered hipster-quote-pic-thing that says 'sacrificing your boyfriend to satan and using his skull as a cereal bowl' that I got off an anti-hipster blog*

E: ok then xx

Melanie: it makes you sound like a lesbian.. (Although I think it may be impossible for me to be a lesbian. I just don't swing that way. *cough*jeremyrenner<3*cough*)

E: ahahahahaha I agree (oooh, the love I feel)

Me: Hey, I don't do meaningful boyfriend loving shit (the shit was from Katie, I would've said emotional posts, but whatevs, it works)

M: I don't understand you

E: I agree

Then my iPad gets confiscated and the teacher sends this message: Girls, this is Mrs Smith.

Please stop using the messaging app or I will have to report you both. Emma has had her iPad confiscated.

Aaaaand yeah.

I was thinking of wearing green to our graduation next year. A worn green strapless, knee-length satiny dress with worn gold jewellery. But another girl is wearing that. I don't like her much. She's rude and bitchy and mouths at anything that moves. So I'm gonna go with black everything. I don't mind black. Or possibly blue. Not white. I've been told purple, but I dunno. And to think, apparently people brought dresses a few years ago for it. I mean really, that's a bit stupid, you do grow. AND IM NOT GETTING A SPRAY TAN! They make girls look ridiculously orange. And I'm already slightly brown anyway.

I'm still avoiding the Internet by the way. It's slightly easier than I thought it would be. Check Tumblr once a day, stay off Facebook, keep Wikipedia in Russian, s'all good.

JEREMY, FROSTIRON IS NOT (always) GAY PORN!!! Get over it. I hope you realise you sound very homophobic, and the more homosexuality is embraced and accepted by society, the more books will involve gay couples. And other media. So be more accepting.

Oh, yeah, I'm thinking of turning Brony. It's just that I don't particularly like 'people' (note quotation marks. I'm usually friendly. There are just some members of society I just can't like. That just piss me off.). And as I'm not a big believer in religion (raised slightly Christian, went kind of atheist, taken some teachings of Buddhism to heart, I've learnt more things reading about Greek, roman and Wiccan mythology than I have in a Christian school, etc) I kind of think I need to learn to like people slightly. And as MLP:FIM teaches Love and Tolerance I thought 'Hey, give it a shot and see what happens.' What could go wrong?


But risk is good. We love risk. That's why roller coasters were invented. And we loooove roller coasters.

God, I'm weird. I apologise for my weirdness.

I guess I'll Die Another Day...

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