On a scale of 1 to Dredd, how good was Iron Man 3?

62 1 0

What on earth possessed me to download the 29-page PDF version of the Yu-Gi-Oh rule book? Also, I'm incredibly thankful that the Winged Dragon of Ra isn't on the banned cards list, because I have two of 'em and together we probably could rule the universe. Actually... That would be more likely if I had three Slifers and a polymerisation card. Imagine that...

Oh Facebook, you make me laugh. There's so many statuses just, I dunno, fishing (?) for reactions, it's funny in a very sad way.


GUESS WHO HAD TOO MUCH SLEEP and started obsessing about future tattoos again...


It's that time of year again. Eurovision will soon be upon us. I'm quite excited to see the line up this year. Hopefully there are some good acts. GOD, EUROVISION IS JUST HILARIOUS!

So this essay... There is a meme that truly represents my feelings on it. But yeah, I wrote a thousand words for my Waif update, and that's how long my essay has to be. WHY CAN'T I DO THIS!? WHY CAN'T I ESSAY? WHY? Maybe I am having an existential crisis. Maybe the Internet was right for once... Weird.

Oh my god. Swimming Anime is a thing. IT'S ACTUALLY A THING! I don't know why I'm so excited but SWIMMING ANIME IS ACTUALLY REAL AND IT'S GOING TO START SCREENING IN JAPAN SOON! Still don't know why I'm excited, but yeah. I'm gonna watch it.

There's always been this one thing that bugs me about fandoms. There are always the shippers who hate other shippers guts because they don't ship their ship. IT'S OK! EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT! Just because I Theifship and you either Psychoship or Tendership or just don't like the ship, doesn't mean we have to start a war. I could Prideship and you may hate that because it fucks up Puzzleshipping (and Blueshipping. That is the most beautiful ship in existence. It is absolutely perfect *cries*). And that's ok. Opinions are good.

But trust me, I have been on the front lines of a Ship War. Sometimes it's a hard thing, shipping FrostIron in a Thorki world. But everyone has different preferences, and even if you think a ship is a monstrosity and an affront to nature, that's your opinion. Keep it to yourself. EQUAL RIGHTS FOR ALL SHIPS! This coming from the fifteen year old wearing a washing basket on her head.


Ok, so I finally sat down to write my essay and... I left the damn book at school.

I know, right?

So anyway, I found dad's copy of it that still has all his school notes in it, which is helpful, but also hilarious. Some of the words aren't grammatically correct, such as the sentence 'Mr Underwood doesn't believe in negroes, but helps Atticus anyway." Mr Underwood doesn't support negro rights and the fact atticus is willing to protect tom robinson withhis life, but he'll still help out atticus. If he didn't believe in negroes, he'd be like that girl in my class that believed that all the Jews became extinct during the Second World War.

I couldn't get to sleep last night, so I plotted the end of Invisible Things. Which could possibly have a sequel. I also thought about the end of Witchcraft. These two endings have one thing in common: He dies in the end. AND WHO HE IS SHAN'T BE REVEALED! BWAHAHA! Ok, ok, ok, I'll tell ya.


It's Steve. Yes in both.

You see, an evil force appears in Invisible Things and recreates Marik's army of Steves. And the last Steve, he does something very, very, extremely, excruciatingly evil. AND THEN HE DIES! BWAHAHAHA!

Captain Steve Rogers will tragically lose his life in the final boss battle against Tony Stark. The country mourns, but not as much as Tony. He attempts suicide many times, because he never got to tell Steve that he loves him. He eventually succeeds.










Please don't tell me you just believed that. Do ya really think I'd write such important plot points on this here thing? I mean really, I'm not the sort of person to throw out massive spoilers like that. You should know me better than that by now. I guess all I can say now is YOU'VE BEEN LOKI'D! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! But seriously, I cried writing the Stony lie. Civil War is a storyline very close to my heart. It brings tears to my eyes whenever a post appears on Tumblr.

Well, would you look at that... I updated something. Who'da thunk it?


SOMEBODY TELL ME WHY IM SO EXCITED FOR STAR TREK: INTO DARKNESS, BECAUSE I SERIOUSLY DONT KNOW WHY! It's probably just Benerdick Cucumberpatch, but seriously, I don't even like Star Trek.




I'm pretty sure I'm the only woman in the entire universe that will say that Terminator is my favourite romance movie. It's so sad, yet terrifying. I recommend you see it.

I have this thing for old eighties movies. I don't know what it is, but I just love them. They're just so ridiculous and over-the-top... It's fanatastic. I'm so watching Predator later.

*sighs* so I still haven't started this damn essay and its really pissing me off because I have three days left of holidays and I'm freaking out and all I've done is play pokemon and I've nearly evolved my zigzagoon and I haven't done anymore story updates and yeah. WE MUST GO BACK!


Well, dear readers, it seems... There's a dead man hanging from a tree. No, that's not what I was talking about. It seems I'll never be able to answer the question asked by the title of this update. From what I've heard, iron man 3 gets a 5, maybe a 6 and a half. If I do see it sometime, I will review it.

Oh, and you. You know who you are. If I see that you've stolen anymore of the content of this and made it into a Tumblr text post or a fucking Facebook status, consider yourself defriended. I've had enough of you stealing my shit (and frankly, so have quite a large amount of people whose shit you've also stolen), you need to stop. You've done this quite a number of times with things I like and I decided to let it slide, but enough is enough. Consider yourself warned.

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