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I fangirl. It's a big problem. For example I counted down to the last minute before the Iron Man 3 trailer was released. Then nearly cried because his house died. J.A.R.V.I.S, I miss you already. Best house ever. AND THE SUITS! And what was with that giant pink rabbit? (if you watched it, but didn't see the bunny, watch it again. You'll find it) But the Mandarin seems like one of the best choices they could've made for the villain. He has a very rich history in the comics, being present in the latest series. HOLY FUCK I CAN'T WAIT! MAY 3RD EVERYBODY!

I also now officially ship Destiel as of Monday night. That episode of Supernatural just proved the likelihood of the relationship and pretty much convinced me Dean and Castiel are made for each other.

Not much is happening at the moment. I'm going to see Dredd on Friday. Funny, because the first Judge Dredd comic I read gave me nightmares for a week. (I was 9 and in the wrong section of the library, leave me alone..) But since I'm a big girl now I have reread them and enjoy them immensely. And can produce a good sketch or two, if I'm feeling artistic.

Speaking of artistic... You know that you're a Loki fangirl when you attempt to doodle a heap of characters in The Avengers because you have nothing to do in art class and:

1. Captain America turns out better than you expected, and you didn't have high hopes when you started

2. Iron Man is a patch of scribble. This makes you quite bitter.

3. You start on Hawkeye and someone elbows you and he becomes a cursed scribble.

4. You concentrate really hard on Thor, spending too much time on his hair, then just go 'fuck this' and draw a thought bubble with 'pop tarts <3' in it.

5. Draw a chibi Loki near perfectly, getting compliments from your friends and the teacher.

6. Give up on Widow and Hulk and draw a dinosaur instead.

Today, instead of doing dramatic things in Drama we painted sets. It was sooooo much better than normal class. Everybody ended up with either green or yellow paint on them. I have a talent when it comes to painting a bookshelf.

Katie and I were up in the library for two thirds of 2 hours when we were supposed to be having sport. I'm reading this really good fanfic at the moment on Archive of Our Own called 'Off The Record'. Although, it should not be read in a library full of twelvies. They give you weird looks when you laugh, show your friend, then you both laugh. And you can't exactly go up and say 'its FrostIron. Don't read it. You're not mature enough. Go back to reading 'Where's Wally?' (You Americans call him Waldo. I think Barry would've translated to different societies better.)' because then you have to EXPLAIN it and we all know the maturity of high school students isn't very high.

I NEED TO UPDATE MY OTHER STORY!! FAAAAAARRRKKK! It is over 200 reads now. I'm kinda proud, yet afraid. Jeremy, stop reading it. And this. Because I said so. Because I had an idea of where to take it and its inappropriate for school. Because I DO WHAT I WANT. And I will incorporate 'gay porn' (note quotation marks *glares*) into the storyline if you don't. And it shall be Stony. And I will make sure it scares the living shit out of you. Well, maybe not. I don't think i could write that bad. I mean some of the stuff I've read... I couldn't do that. Nuh-uh. So that may possibly be an empty threat.

But you don't know, do you?


Okay, I gots nothing else. Bye.

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