𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓𝟓

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   IN THE DAYS SINCE BOYD'S DEATH WE'D NEVER BEEN MORE DIVIDED. The whole ordeal weighed heavily on my shoulders knowing Boyd had stepped in at the last second to save me from death. He'd taken my place and I couldn't help but think that it should've been me. The entire memory was still exceptionally surreal and like everyone else I was finding it difficult to come to terms with. Everyone was treading on eggshells with one another, scared incase we said the wrong thing. The last thing any of us wanted to do was upset each other and so it ended up diving us when, really, we should've been sticking together. We were all figuring out ways to cope with his death but I just wanted some time alone.

I liked the peace and as weird as it sounded the noise inside my mind was quieter than ever before. Putting distance between myself and my friends was just what I needed.

What I didn't need though was Ethan and Aiden calling and texting me none stop. They were desperate to talk to me but I honestly had nothing to say to them. I begged them not to do this, not to go down this route and I warned them of what would happen to our friendship if they did and they ignored me anyways. I couldn't help but ponder whether or not they'd of gone through with it if it was me Kali was trying to kill.

Would they still of forced Derek to kill me? Or would they of stepped away.

I couldn't wrap my head around it and Melissa had been my comfort on Monday night after it had happened but after that I just wanted space. Stiles was trying to get Scott to check in with me and it upset me that he didn't check in on me himself. I didn't know what was going through his mind but if he really cared that much he'd of asked me if I was all right himself.

I wasn't all right though. I'd managed to wrap my head around Boyd's death and mentally I was doing all right but physically .. I was still healing and I had no idea why it was taking this long. I'd tried my best to cover the four gash marks with big jumpers and let it heal naturally but when I woke up this morning it seemed a little black around the edges.

I didn't hurt much any more but whatever it was it was knocking everything out of me because I was exhausted. I wanted to talk to Melissa about it and see what she thought but I knew Deaton would know better. He was an expert in lycanthropy related injuries and I'd dropped in on the sly knowing Scott wasn't working tonight.

The man was pleasantly surprised to see me walking into the animal clinic but he gave me a nice smile as he dried his hands with a hand towel, "Alex, what a lovely surprise."

"Hi." I replied sheepishly, "I hope you don't mind. I didn't know who else to come to."

He shook his head, "Not at all." He said to me before he opened the barrier for me to pass through, "Come on in, I'll see what I can do for you."

"Thanks." I replied as I followed him into the back. The gestured for me to take a seat on the cleared metal table in the centre of the room and I hopped on and placed my hands in my lap as I watched him, "I hope you're all right now .. after the whole attempted sacrifice thing."

He pressed a smile and nodded, "I'm just glad to be alive." He replied, "I owe a great thanks to Scott and the Sheriff."

"Must've been scary." I mumbled.

Deaton nodded before he said, "I think we both know how it feels."

I swallowed deeply as I nodded once, looking to my hands clasped together in front of me, "It's not nice." I replied.

"No, it isn't." Were his words. A spec of silence covered us like a blanket while we each reflected on what had happened to the both of us two days ago and only a couple of minutes had passed when he cleared his throat and smiled at me, "So, what seems to be the problem."

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