Another Life: Dates

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A/N: Slight NSFW

"I had a wonderful time, Lucien. Thank you for taking me to the ballet." Cordelia smiled. "Of course, anything for you, darling." He kissed her softly. Lucifer had been taking Cordelia out on dates for a few weeks. He was originally supposed to go back to Devildom but asked for another "business" extension. Cordelia was a bright young woman. She was intelligent, social, witty, and caring. He enjoyed her company and found himself quite enamored with her. During his travels in the human realm, he had met several lovely ladies but she was by far superior to the others. There was something about her that made Lucifer smile more than he had in a long time. He was able to learn a lot about her.


Cordelia was taken in by her uncle at the age of 13. His brother (her father) was an abusive drunkard that took all his anger out on her. They lived in squalor and had nothing. She didn't even really have a bed, just a very old mattress on the ground. Sometimes the bills weren't paid and she would sit alone in the dark or have to wear her coat inside the house in the winter. Her mother died when she was 11. She was driving Cordelia to dance class when they were in a car accident. Cordelia was severely injured, and unfortunately, her mom did not make it. Her father blamed her for her mother's death and that's when it all started.

Once her uncle found out about his brother's downhill spiral, he visited them. That's when he learned just how bad things had gotten. He went to court and fought to save Cordelia from the nightmare she was living. Lucky for everyone, he had won custody faster than expected. Her father went to jail and she moved to Seattle with her Uncle Bill and Aunt Susan. They made sure she had everything she ever wanted. Bill was glad that her father's ill-treatment didn't ruin her sweet demeanor. Kids were impressionable and he was worried she would have picked up a few nasty habits or would start hanging out with the wrong crowd, but she always stayed so positive and sweet.


"Would you like to come in for a drink?" Cordelia asked hopefully. She and Lucien had been dating for a while and after having a drink or two she was feeling a bit bold. Lucifer knew what she wanted and as much as he wanted to sleep with her too, he also wanted to try to take things a bit slower with her. "I'm sorry Cordi, but I can't. I have to finish some work so I can take you to the botanical gardens tomorrow." Cordelia made an "o" face and nodded. "Oh, okay. Sure. I'll see you tomorrow then." She smiled weakly. Lucifer brought her in for one more slow kiss before opening the door for her. "Good night, darling."

Lucifer's mind was racing as he left his gorgeous human alone for the night. Maybe he should have taken her up on her offer. Maybe he was going too slow. He would have to make sure the trip to the gardens would be a romantic one. As he was entering his car, his D.D.D rang for what seemed like the first time in forever. "Lucifer, how is your time in the human realm going?" It was Diavolo. "Everything is going well. The business is in a decent place." Lucifer confirmed. "So, I assume you will be coming back to Devildom soon?" Diavolo questioned. Lucifer sighed quietly to himself. Of course, he needed to go back eventually, but he just didn't want to. He liked his life here in Seattle. He wasn't ready to go back to all the chaos and confusion. "Lucifer? Lucifer?" He had gotten so lost in thought, he had forgotten about the demon prince on the other line. "I... I just need more time. I'm not ready to come home, but if you really need me, I could be home in a week." He tried to emphasize the wording of "if you really", hoping that Diavolo would catch on. After a moment of silence, Diavolo spoke up again. " It seems your business in the human realm is important. I understand how that is. Take as long as you need. Everything is under control here. Your brothers are doing surprisingly well. We all miss you, but you have to do what you feel is right." With that, the conversation ended. Lucifer felt better after the conversation with Diavolo. He thought it would have been harder than it was to tell him how he felt, but he came out of it in a pretty good mood.

Lucifer woke up the next day feeling rather eager. He wanted to plan something sweet for Cordelia. He wanted to make sure everything went perfectly for the day to make for a better night they would spend together. He picked her up in his black Maserati and took her to the river for a walk and a light lunch, then they made their way to the Botanical gardens where he planned to have a romantic dinner/picnic later in the evening. They talked for hours and hours about anything and everything. That was something he wanted in a woman, someone who could carry intelligent conversations with him and actually know what they were talking about.

"Here we are." Lucifer smiled as he led Cordelia to the area where the picnic was set up. It was starting to get a bit dark and there were candles lit. "This is beautiful Lucien. How did you pull this off?" She asked. He couldn't believe she had to ask that question. How else could he pull off going to baseball games in the VIP box, or getting skyline restaurant reservations you usually have to make months in advance? Power and money. That was the answer. He chuckled softly as he sat down and signaled for her to sit next to him. It was a lovely evening and everything was going according to plan. Lucifer decided to invite Cordelia to his place for drinks before he took her home. Well, he was hoping that he could keep her with him for the night. She gladly accepted the invitation because she wanted the same thing he did.

When they left the botanical gardens, Cordelia figured they would head to Lucien's apartment but they started to drive out of Downtown. "Where are we going? Aren't we going back to your place?" She wondered. "We are. We are going to my home. The apartment in the city is just a place I stay when I am working late. Are you uncomfortable?" He asked. He wouldn't want to put her in any situation that would make her feel that way. After a moment she shook her head and held out her hand for him to take. He grinned at her and held her hand. They drive the rest of the way in comfortable silence.

They drove up to an immaculate mansion away from the rest of the homes. It had a big front gate and a private road to the driveway. "Wow, Lucien... I knew you had money but I didn't expect this. You live here alone?" It did seem odd that a man his age lived in a place this big by himself. "I told you I have a big family. It comes in handy when they come to visit. When did you become so suspicious." He laughed. Cordelia felt embarrassed and tried to hide her blushing face. "It's okay... Don't worry I don't have any other girlfriends!" He continued to chuckle. Cordelia huffed and folded her arms. "Hey, don't be that way. I'm sorry. I was just kidding. It's just... Well, you're cute when you get jealous." Lucifer observed.

Once they entered the house, Lucifer suggested that they have a few drinks and watch a film. Cordelia agreed and they settled on a romantic comedy. It wasn't really Lucifer's thing, but he wanted to please her in every aspect. After a while, he started to notice that Cordi was getting more flirtatious and touchy. He pulled her into his embrace and wrapped his arms around her tightly. Her cheeks turned red and the movie seemed to fade into the background as he kissed her slowly, delicately. Her kiss was one of the best he had ever received in his lifetime. It sent shivers down his spine, the way she made him feel. He made his move downward and gave her goosebumps as she let out a surprised yet pleased breath. "Let's move this to the bedroom." He whispered in her ear. She bit her lip and nodded.

The night was full of passion. He made sure she felt the best she ever had. Everything about the way she moved, the noises she made, the way she made him feel was perfect to him. He had never felt so good in his many years of life. He treated her like a work of art, delicately taking in each part of her, exploring her, and painting her like a canvas with his touch. After they had made love, Lucifer pulled her flush against his side and she laid her head on his chest. The silence was beautiful, just like the woman he was holding. She fell asleep quickly and slept through the night. Lucifer hadn't been this happy in a long time.

The next morning came too quick for Lucifer's liking. Cordelia was still sleeping soundly when he received a phone call. It was Cordelia's uncle. He needed Lucifer to come into the office. The ringing of his phone spooked Cordelia awake, but Lucifer comforted her. She fell back into a comfortable sleep with Lucifer's hand resting on her shoulder. He looked at the sleeping girl in front of him and frowned slightly. He got in his head a bit. The night went too perfectly. Half of him loved it. She was wonderful, everything he could want in a partner. He had numerous partners in his long life, even during this trip alone, but for some strange reason, they could not compare to her. The other half of him hated it. Why did she have so much power over him? He was suspicious. Could she be a witch? No, he would be able to tell. There was nothing different about her. She was just a normal human, so why did he feel this way? He would have to figure it out later. He was needed in the office. He would let her stay here to sleep.

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