Simeon's What!? Part 5

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I chose to go alone, Simeon. Even if you weren't here, I would have had you stay behind. I'm an adult. I don't need my bodyguard 24/7." She stated. "Maybe he's the one who needs you." Simeon whispered, still holding her tightly.

"What do you mean?" Rosaline asked, pulling away from Simeon and looking him in the eyes. "I've missed you, Rosie. I've been so lonely lately. I've made a lot of friends here but... I've been wanting to see you for so long now. I was even thinking of leaving and coming to the human realm to visit you. Maybe take you back home with me." Simeon explained. "You're needed here right now, Simeon. We had our duties. Mine didn't go so well, but you are the one best suited for this job, the perfect representive for the celestial realm."

Simeon snorted as he looked deeply into Rosaline's eyes. "No... YOU would have been the perfect representative." "Like I said before Sims, we both had our duties. I was needed elsewhere. Plus, you have always been more easygoing and open-minded. That's why they chose you." She smiled. "It doesn't matter... I failed my mission anyway. I would have failed this one too." She added.

Simeon brought Rosaline in for another tight squeeze. He wanted to comfort her and tell her how wrong she was, but he knew her. He knew it wouldn't help and would only vex her. "Well, right now none of that matters! What matters is that we get you rested up and find out where to find Kurt Malik!" He seethed. "Who??" Rosaline asked. "The one who hurt you. We found some of his skin under your nails, we were able to match the DNA. Lucifer and the others plan on taking him down. He's a known poacher, he's hurt a lot of beings and he's got to be stopped." - "I can help. I can take you to the town I was in." Rosaline offered. "That's exactly what they want." Simeon frowned.

After Rosaline rested a bit, they all convened in Diavolo's office to lay out a plan. Rosaline made a layout of the town she was tasked to, including local hotspots for the town's troublemakers. They were mainly old dive bars, resturants, and a strip club. "Hmph, this town really sucks!" Solomon scoffed. "I can see why they sent you here. Did you make any progress?" He asked. "I thought we did... The others and I... We were building a community park, fixing up the library, cleaning up the streets but I guess it wasn't enough. Crime rates stayed the same."

After a few hours, the party had a plan set in place. Rosaline was going to be the bait for Kurt. Knowing she was back would definitely lure him out to finish his job. Simeon was not happy about this plan. "Rosie hasn't even had time to heal yet, why send her back out there!?" He demanded. "Simeon, its okay. It will work. If he sees how weak I am, he won't pass up the oppurtunity. Plus you will all be close by, right?" She looked at Barbatos for the answer. "Well, yes and no. Solomon will be there with you but we cannot come through the portal until the last minute. Malik will sense us. Solomon can mask our magic but not for long. We, not being human, will set off all of Malik's fancy instruments instantly so we have a few minutes to come in before Solomon can't hide us anymore." He explained.

"I don't like it..." Simeon mumbled. "We know, but this is the best option Simeon, so we're doing it! Now, be quiet and listen!" Rosaline demanded. Simeon huffed but stayed silent as the team laid out the rest if the plan. Solomon was to stay back a little. The plan was to attack a month from today. Solomon would leave tonight to go to the town looking for "business", that way he had time to establish himself in the town before Rosaline showed up, maybe even "help" Malik when she came to town. "He looks shady enough already, it should work fine." Rosaline snickered. Solomon shot her a big grin.

{}{}{}{}{}{}1 month later{}{}{}{}{}{}

"Alright everyone, Solomon has been in contact recently. He says that Malik and his gang have a hideout in the basement of a strip club called Blush." Barbatos explained. "Solomon has gotten in good with his crew. He likes the fact that Solomon is so powerful and thinks he is a useful tool." He finished. "Good, then we should have no problems getting through without suspicion." Lucifer added. They got ready as Rosaline grabbed her walking stick she now needed to stand straight for the time being.

"It's not too late, Rose my love." Simeon pleaded one last time. "Simeon, stop! I'm going!" She spat. She was sick of Simeon trying to talk her out of going at the most random of times over the past month. "Rosie, it doesn't have to be you! You know Malik would jump at the chance to go after Lord Diavolo or Lucifer. You could stay here and be safe! They can handle him themselves!" Rosaline just stared at him in disapproval. "I know this town, I know the people. It has to be me! He raped me and tried to kill me Simeon!"

"I know, Rosie! ...I know... But you're letting your desire for revenge overpower your thinking! Don't let something like this lead you down a dark path!" Simeon interjected. "And what about you!?" She shot back. "You're all in on taking Malik down! It's no secret that you want a piece of him! So don't lecture me about a dark path!" - " I DON'T CARE IF I GET CAST OUT OF THE HEAVENS TO BRING YOU JUSTICE, ROSIE!" he yelled, finally losing his cool. "I love you! He hurt you! And YES, I'll hurt him if it comes to it!! I don't care!!! NO one touches MY Angel. No one...." He lamented. "I don't care if I get pulled down, but I won't pull you down with me." He admitted with barely a whisper.

He held his hand out and caressed Rosaline's face as she looked at him with sadness. "I had no idea you felt this strongly, Sims..." She held his other hand tightly and brought it to her heart. "If this doesn't end well, there's no point in me staying in the Celestial Realm if I don't have you." She explained. Simeon wouldn't look at her, he just shook his head. "I can't accept that. You are the princess of the Celestial Realm. That's where you belong." - "No, that's where WE belong!" She corrected. Simeon took one last look at Rosaline before he joined the others to get ready. He finally realized there was nothing more he could do.

Rosaline took a deep breath as she stepped in front of the portal Barbatos opened. "Are you ready?" He asked. "Yes, I am ready." She replied. "Wait! Rosie!" Simeon shouted. She spun around to face him and suddenly she felt a pair of lips on hers. He kissed her deeply and passionately. It was so unlike him to show public displays of affection like this, but this time he didn't care. "We'll be right behind you, be careful! I love you." -"I love you too Sims." She smiled, and with that she entered the Human Realm to face her "demons".

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