Brothers As Babies

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In light of the newest event. Here are the brothers as babies. Enjoy ❤❤

Lucifer: He is a protective big brother. No remnants of adult Lucifer in him. He's a sweet boi. Wants to help, but is too smol. If his little brothers cry he asks them what's wrong and tries to fix it. He kind of gets upset when he can't help out and lets out little sniffles. "Why" is a common question MC gets when he asks things. Likes to sit on MC's lap because he feels like he can see his brothers better from there.

Mammon: Mammon would be a bit of a bully. Pushes Levi around, picks on Asmo for playing dress-up, but if anyone else does then he'll try to beat them up. His brothers get upset with him because he can be mean. When he gets hurt he cries because no one will help but then here comes MC and Lucifer to dust him off and make him to feel better.

Levi: A shy baby boi. Always hides behind MC. Always clings to their jacket and won't really say much. When he does talk it's really only to MC about something funny he saw. His brothers are a little mean to him sometimes because he's weird. Wants to wear his footie pajamas all day and play on MC's tablet. MC has to put child locks on the tablet so he can't try to play more mature games.

Satan: Curious child. Another "why" boi. He watches everything MC does. He's that kid that watches people when they put up childproofing and figures out how to get passed it instantly. "Hmph" is his thing. He's spoiled rotten. If he doesn't get what he wants he'll "hmph" cross his arms and pout, sometimes he'll even hold his breath. Bedtime stories are a must. He will want to be tucked in extra snug at night and MC has to read him at least 1 story.

Asmo: Clingy baby. Always wants to be picked up and held. Screams bloody murder if you don't hold him. Not the type to be picked up and crane out to see everything, no, he's the kid that snuggles into the crook of your neck and looks out at everyone through your hair. Thumbsucker. Loves to play dress-up, putting on MCs shoes, and wearing their clothes that are long enough to be capes so he plays princess.

Beel: Cookie thief. MC will have to put all of the snacks on the high shelves. He, like Satan, will watch them to see where they hide the good stuff. Will recruit Satan and Belphie to help him get his snackies. Cries heavily when he gets in trouble because he was just a hungwy baby and his tummy made him do it. MC will usually give in to him because he is so cute. He's a big, growing boy, he can't help that he's hungry all the time.

Belphie: Sleepy most of the time, of course. Naptime is his favorite time. However, he's also kind of a prick when he is awake. He will only share with Beel so when his other brothers ask it's a big whiny "No!" Makes his other brothers cry from time to time. Sneaky boi, an accomplice to Beel's snack thievery. Loves MC and will get jealous when they pay attention to another brother.

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