Chapter 1: Prologue

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Becky's pov:
Right now I am speaking to Mrs Dominic about her health condition and her medications. Mrs Dominic is a friendly person except she is a feared mafia's wife. Actually she hates Mafia things but had to marry Mr Dominic.
( Love makes you blind).

Our Family by generations are doctors and we all work for The Biggest Mafia Group Red-Liones for about decades. My father and mother used to be their family doctor but after they retired 4 years ago. Now I am their family doctor.

While talking to Mrs Dominic, Mr Dominic came and sat near us and I did him a regular check up and told him his medicines.

Mr Dominic is a really sweet person to his wife and kids and also to me. He always calls me his daughter because he always loved to have a daughter but unfortunately that didn't happen. Instead he had two sons. Leone Dominic, he is the leader of the Red-Liones and Adam Dominic, supports his older brother and the Ceo of the Dominic grp of Company.

Where Adam is a sweet guy he always treats me as his younger sister though I am just 5 months younger than him.
While Leone doesn't even talk to anyone except to his father for work.

And Me, Adam, my bestie and Leone are childhood friends.

Thank you guys for reading this story.
This is just a introduction abt Both of the families.
The real story starts in the next chapter.

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