Chapter 6: First Date

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Becky's pov:
Mrs Dominic hugged me and smiled at me and said thank you and we went to the living room where Leone and Mr Dominic were talking.

Mrs Dominic signaled something to Mr Dominic and he instantly smiled looking at me.

Then Mrs Dominic cleared her throat to catch Leone's attention. Leone looked at Mrs Dominic confused and Mrs  Dominic said "Leone can we talk in the backyard" and Leone just nodded.

While they were speaking I was seeing them from a window and I could see Mrs Dominic saying something to him excitedly but Leone first had a angry expression but then he calmed down and looked at me through the window our eyes meet eachother and it felt like the world has stop. Until Mr Dominic interrupted saying......

"Thank you so much dear for accepting this marriage and I am sure you are gonna be the Best MAFIA QUEEN..."

Mafia Queen!???....Me I was shocked hearing this "Mr Dominic, Mafia Queen me it is not possible....Mr Dominic I am cannot be the Mafia Queen" I said fully panicking so, Mr Dominic said "Dear please calm down, if you marry Leone you will automatically become the Mafia Queen and no need to worry you have nothing to do just support Leone and give a heir like My Lovely wife".

I nodded my head slightly and said "Okay Mr Dominic, I will try my best to do it, but I feel like I am not worth to be a Mafia Qu-" Mr Dominic sushed me and said "You deserve this not because you saved my life because I know you can make Leone happy and be a good wife and Mafia Queen".

While we're talking Mrs Dominic and Leone came near us and told "Becky Dear get ready today at 8pm Leone will take you to dinner" I just nodded and looked at Leone to see him looking at me without any expression.

Leone pov:
Mom called me and said we need to talk so we went to the backyard and sat down on one of the table in the garden and Mom started talking "Leone do you have a girlfriend or someone you like"
I was confused of why is she asking this question but I don't have girlfriends because I do only one night stand so I shook my head as no "Good...So me and your  dad think it is high time that you get married with someone and give us a grandchild and Red-Liones a Heir. So we have decided you to get married with Becky".

I was shocked hearing that and got angry at my mother and said "What...No why will I marry her, I don't like weak women's I want someone who will support me for that I need a brave woman like a lioness".

But my mother said "Look you are marrying Becky she is a nice girl and I am sure you will love her" Love I scoffed at her.

"Listen Leone this is mine and your Dad's final decision and I want you to do as we say.....Understand!!" She said angrily.

What the mother has never scolded me or Adam and now she is scolding me just to support that Doctor girl just because her father is in Coma that doesn't mean I have to marry her and she also changed my mother.....Manipulative Bitch I thought and turned my head and Me and Becky's eyes meet with eachother and I felt something in my stomach....Fuck she has a beautiful chocolate brown eyes i whispered to myself.

Then snapped back when mom shaked me and said "You are going to take Becky for a date night" she said with a hoping and puppy eyes, which is the biggest weakness for me, So I said okay and we went outside to join Dad and Becky.

Time Skip
(At 8pm)
Leone's pov:
Right now I am waiting for Becky in front of the door wearing a blue suit.

While waiting I saw Becky coming down the stairs wearing a beautiful black dress showing all her curves.

I didn't realize I was staring at her until she came near me and said "Staring at people is bad habit" I just didn't say anything and looked away and walked to my car and got inside with Becky.

The whole car ride was silent and finally we reached a 5 star hotel and went inside the hotel and sat on one of the seat and ordered our foods.

To break the awkward silence between us, I asked her "I feel sorry for your father and Did you find who did this to Mr Anderson" she just shook her head as no and said "Whoever did this, That person is gonna pay for it and I will make sure to show him hell" she said with anger while her chocolate brown eyes had fire in them.

I didn't know why but I felt proud.
Then she suddenly said....
"I am sorry because of me you need to get married with. Do you have any girlfriend?"

I shook my head as no and I asked her the same question and she said no too. Then we got a bit comfortable with each other and started talking to eachother like friends while eating.

Thank you so much for reading this chapter.
Leone is warming up.
Leone has accepted to the marriage.
Will they get married in peace.
Let's see....

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