Chapter 24: After a Long Sleep

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Leone's pov:

After meeting with Chris I straightly went to my office room and called Jade and said him to find the information about Chris because right now I don't trust anyone except my family.

I was recalling whatever Chris said...He was kidnapped and was locked in warehouse.....So I assume he was locked in the same warehouse where Vanessa was drugged.

He was kidnapped by Alex but a old man used to give order....Old Man....Is he the Capo?.

I was thinking when I remembered about the locket and I went to Chris Room to see Becky sitting and speaking with him casually.

I went near them and kissed Becky forehead and said "Becky.. I need to speak Chris". She understood what I meant and she immediately got out and I closed the door.

I faced Chris and asked "Did you say anything to Becky" he shook his head as no. I then showed him a picture of the locket and asked "Is this locket yours"
and he nodded his head as yes and said "It was Vanessa's Valentines day gift for me"

So I assume whatever he said is true. I then got a call from Jade and I immediately picked up the call.

"Boss,Chris is not a snitch" he confirmed and I replied "Hmm" and I looked at Chris to see him looking down and I said "You can meet Vanessa tomorrow" and he said "Okay, Thanks".

I was talking to Chris,when I heard a loud scream from Becky. Me and Chris went immediately downstairs to see Becky crying.

I went near her and asked "Love, what happened...why are you crying" I asked her while panicking, then she calmed down and said "I got a call from the Hospital saying Dad is awake" she said while smiling brightly in happy tears.

Then Mom and Dad also came, hearing the sound and we told them about this and they were also really happy.

We all decided to visit Mr Anderson and we went to the hospital to see Mr Anderson awake and eating food like a normal person.

Becky straightly went to him and hugged him tightly while crying and I said "Glad you are awake Mr Anderson"
and he smiled at me and said "Call me Father, Son" and I smiled at him and said "I will" and then Mom, Dad and Becky started speaking with him.

While they were talking the senior doctor came and said "Glad that you are awake and healthy. You can discharge today Mr Anderson" he said in a scrastic or uninterested Tone and went outside.

I excused myself and went outside and went near the doctor asked him "Your son name is Alex..Right?" and he nodded.

"Do you know where is Alex" I asked him and he said "Why? Mr Dominic" "I just wanted to discuss something with him" I said, "He has actually gone to his friends house...I don't know when he is gonna return" he said and walked away.

He knows something but is hiding it I can feel it..I thought to myself.

I then went to Mr Anderson see him alone, So I asked him "Where is Everyone, Father" and he said "Gone, to pay my bill and to get the discharge summary" I just nodded my head.

"It feels like everything went so fast, My Only Daughter got married and also is now pregnant and I couldn't even attend the marriage. It feels like I slept for so long and when I woke up things  that I couldn't even imagine happened.

You and Becky are destined to be with eachother" he said with a low voice and I just smiled at him,"I think we truly are destined" I said and we stayed silent for a while but then I started.....

"Father, Can I ask you something" I asked and he just nodded. "Do you know who did this to you" I asked him straightly and he said "I don't know".

"How did this happen" I asked him and he said "That day I was alone in the house and I was in the garden watering plants. That time suddenly someone placed a knife near my neck and said me not to make a sound and I followed him"

"Then he ordered me to go the living room and I followed his order and went to the living.

But while walking to the living room, I  hurriedly kicked his crotch with my leg making him fall and I ran faster to my room and locked it and then I took my phone and called Becky and was about to say her this, but before I could he broke the door and took something and hit me on the backside of my head".

"Did you see that person's face" I asked and he said "No, He was wearing a black mask. But by judging his voice I could say he was old about 50 or something".

So Becky was right I thought and I turned to Mr Anderson and said "Father, Don't say this to anyone...mainly Becky". He understood why I said that and nodded his head.

Then Everyone came in and started speaking again, while I indicated Dad to come out and I said him about this and he had a emotionaless expression and he said me to find Alex quickly as possible.

I then was about to go inside when I saw Mom speaking to the senior doctor seriously and then she saw me and came towards me and I asked "What were you talking to him, Mom" and she just said "I felt like, I have meet him somewhere...but couldn't remember where or it is just my stupid brain thinking...Whatever" she said and we went inside.

Then we cleared the bill and said thanks to the senior doctor and discharged Mr Anderson and took him to our house.

Thank you for reading my story.

Boring Chapter!?....
Atleast Mr Anderson has finally woken up....

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