Chapter 7: Marriage Contract

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Becky's pov:
I woke up with the sun rays hitting on my face and rubbed my eyes and sat up on the bed and recalled yesterday night's conversation with Leone and mainly the night drive to the beach.

After recalling my memories I did my morning routine and decided to visit dad in the hospital.

After dressing up I was checking myself in the mirror when I got a message from Leone saying "Come to the backyard. We need to talk".

I replied Okay and went to the backyard to see Leone sitting in one of the chair in the garden. So I went near him and greeted him a good morning and just nodded.

Then Leone took a file beside him and gave to me, at first I didn't understand but then I opened the file and saw the heading written in bold letters as "MARRIAGE CONTRACT".

I would say it was no surprise for me as last night on our date or dinner night Leone told me that he is not interested in this marriage and just doing it for his parents sake.

I read the Marriage Contract carefully and saw there was some rules that I had to follow:
Rule 1: We will sleep in separate rooms and won't disturb eachother until it is really important

Rule 2: We have to act as lovey-dovey couple infront of our parents

Rule 3: Where ever I (Becky) goes she has to inform Leone and take 2 bodyguards with here.

There were some other rules and there were about 25 rules and I read them all.

After reading the rules I looked at Leone to see him already starting at me and he then gave me a pen and I immediately signed and gave him the contract.

And he said "Don't tell about this contract to anyone, It is between us".
I just nodded and was about go when he caught my wrist and pulled me making me sit on his lap.

And he whispered "Words Soon to be  Wife". I kept silent for some time and then said "Okay", "Okay what darling"
I looked him while our lips were dangerously close to eachother and said "Okay, I won't tell anyone about this Contract".

He gave me a satisfaction smile and said "Good girl, I like girls who obey me" I just didn't answer and tried to get up from his lap but he was strongly  holding my waist tightly and whispered in my ear....
" Don't ever think yourself like my wife, You are just a Unwanted person in my life, Sweetheart"

I was shocked hearing him say that because till yesterday he was sweet to me but today it was totally opposite.

I didn't reply and got up from his lap and went outside the Mansion and sat in my car and was calming myself.

I really thought yesterday I could change him but I think I will always be his "Unwanted Wife".

And then I drove my car went to the hospital and went to my dad's room and sat near him holding his hand while crying and saying " Please Dad wake up, I want you. You are the only who loves me, don't leave me like mom"

While I was crying holding his hand telling him everything about the Marriage and Leone hoping dad will wake up. But no.

While I was speaking to dad A nurse came inside the room and said there is emergency surgery you have to do. So I quickly got up and went to Operation room.

After the surgery I got another emergency surgery to do. So I did that surgery to and checked the time and it was 11pm

So I quickly went to my car to go to the Mansion. When I was driving I felt like a White Car was following me.

So I started to drive fast and the white car was still following me, then suddenly I heard gun shots coming towards me.

So, I quickly called the first person who came to my mind "Leone"

Thank you so much for reading this chapter.
"Will Leone never accept Becky
  as his wife?"
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