Chapter 23: New Plot

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Leone's pov:

Today Me and Becky went to the hospital to check our baby's health and we did the ultrasound and also we heard our baby heartbeat for the first time.

It was soo beautiful, one of the best sound in the world. Me and Becky had tears in our eyes.

After checking we went to the supermarket to buy ice cream as Becky was carving for them.

We came home and sat in the living and Immediately Becky started eating her vanilla ice cream and I was staring at her like a creep.

And she noticed it and asked me "Baby,Want some ice cream" and I nodded my head as no.

Then I saw some ice cream corner of her mouth and I wiped it with my hand and kissed her lips tasting the ice cream and said "So sweet" I said and she blushed.

Mom came into the living room and noticed us and gave us a smile and asked about the Baby's health.

While Mom and Becky were talking I got a phone call from the one the  Bodyguard who guards the Mansion.

I picked up the call and he said "Boss, there is a guy, who wants to come inside and wants to meet you. He is asking about Miss Vanessa".
I was confused "Vanessa?"

I told the bodyguard to "Don't send him  in, Say him to wait in the Basement" I said and cut the call.

Is he a snitch from Lee-Simones or He knows something about this Shit and can help us solve this problem, I thought.

I saw Dad coming towards me raising an eyebrow, so I assume he heard the conversation and we were about to go the Basement when Becky and mom said "Where are you going?" and we both said "To the Basement, we have some unfinished work", they both nodded and started speaking again.

Me and Dad went to the Basement to see a Boy about my height, he had his head hung low and his clothes were torn, so we could see some bruises in his body.

We went near him and he looked at us and I asked him "Who are you" in serious voice.

And he said "I-I am Chris, I l-live in N-Norway" "If you live in Norway What are you doing her" Dad asked him and he said "I-I was k-kidnapped"

Me and Dad looked at eachother and I asked "How do you know Vanessa?" I asked him directly and he busted into tears and said "I want to meet her...please...Tell her, Her Chris is here".

Me and Dad again looked at eachother with a confused look "You didn't answer my question "How do you know Vanessa" I asked him and he said "I am her Boyfriend,Please Help Me" "What?" Me and Dad said at the same time and he was still crying non-stop

"Look, Chris If you want us to Help you, Say us everything you know and we promise we won't hurt you...until you are truthful to us" Dad said in a assuring voice.

And finally he stopped crying and calmed down and started speaking again....

"I am Chris...I live in Norway. I used to study with Vanessa in college. At the first year of college we started to like eachother and started dating and then we both were truly in love with eachother and I didn't know anything about her family, So one day when we were in 3rd year college...I asked her about her family and she was hesitant about it but then she told me everything about Her family and about all of you".

"I was first shock hearing that she belongs to a Mafia Family but that didn't make my love grow lesser to her. And one day I was practicing football alone in the field when I got kidnapped by unknown person and was locked in a room about...I don't know how many days and was also drugged by them".

But after few days "I was brought to a warehouse and they tortured me to call Vanessa. When I said No...they used to beat me brutally and I couldn't take it,So I finally called Vanessa".

"And after calling her she came immediately to save me and when she came some people trapped her and said her to do something and if she doesn't they used to blackmail her, by saying they will kill me".

"So, she did what they ordered her and after for about 1 month I didn't see her and I was still locked in one of the warehouse".

"And after 2 months...One day at night
I saw Vanessa coming to the warehouse secretly without knowing to anyone and she helped me to escape without anyone's notice and she said me to run and go wherever I could go".

"After that neither I heard about her or saw her and after that I lived in a old place with an elderly lady and I asked her about you all and she helped me to find your Mansion" he said.

Me and Dad were in shock hearing this, it was lot to take in. I was speechless, That my Sister has gone through so much. We sent her Norway to keep her out of this Mafia shits.

"Did you remember anyone who kidnapped you or Do you know what was Vanessa told to do" I asked him.

"I remember a guy about my age kidnapped me, but when I was locked,all the people used to were black masks, but mainly a old guy could say....Used to order the Vanessa and other people to do things and I don't know what was Vanessa ordered, they used to speak in different room and mainly they give order through phone" he said.

And I quickly took my phone and showed him a picture of Alex and asked him "Is he the one who kidnapped you" and he looked at the photo carefully and then wide his eyes and nodded his head vigorously as yes.

Then I asked him the warehouse location and he said he didn't know because he was new to this city.

Then he asked "Where is Vanessa...Is she safe..please Help her" and Dad said "She in hospital because she was drugged".

When that guy heard it he started crying again and Dad looked at me and indicated to speak with him and we went to the corner and spoke.

And after speaking we went near Chris and I said "From Today...You will stay with us, but under one condition...the things which you said now should not know to anyone in my family...If anyone ask you who you are....Just tell them You are Vanessa's friend and you just came to meet her and don't think too do anything stupid,otherwise the  consequences will be worst.....Understand! he nodded his head.

"And my bodyguards will show you room and you are not allowed to go out and I will arrange for you to meet Vanessa tomorrow". I said and he went and with one of my bodyguard.

After Chris went I punched the wall furiously....."Fuck I can't get answer" 
I was feeling like a failure for the first time "I couldn't protect anyone My Sister nor My Wife".

"But This a New Plot to get my answers".

Dad came behind me and said "Leone...Don't Lose Hope..We will find whoever did this and make his life miserable".

Thank you for reading my story.

New character....
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