Chapter 12:Jealous!?

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Leone's pov:

I felt something was moving near my chest and I could feel hot breath in my neck while sleeping. So I shot my eyes open to see Becky sleeping in my chest while her hand was clutching my shirt. Which I find adorable and cute.

Then I carefully removed her from my chest without making her awake and went and did my morning routine and left to work.

Becky's pov:

I woke up to see empty bed beside me and then I checked the time to see it is already 11am. So I quickly did my morning routine and wore casual dress and went downstairs to see Candice (old maid) making food.

So I went near her and greeted her and asked "Did Leone have breakfast?" she nodded as yes and said "Have some food, I know you might feel tired from yesterday night" she said and winked at me. But I just nodded my head while red started spreading in my cheeks and then I ate some food.

2 months later

It's been 2 months of their marriage and in this 2 months Leone has been very protective of Becky he didn't even let her out of the house and also assigned bodyguards around the house.

Becky's pov:

It's been 2 months I went out or even I saw my father. So today I wanted Leone's permission to go out and meet my father and in this 2 months we live in different rooms and I follow the rules.

Right now I am waiting for Leone in the dining table for breakfast, thinking about will he allow me to go out.

And finally Leone came and we started having breakfast. While having breakfast I cleared my throat and asked him "Leone can I go and meet my dad in the hospital". Leone looked at me for few seconds and slightly nodded and said "I will be coming with you". I said thank you to him.

We finally reached the hospital, me and Leone started head to dad's room when someone bumped into me, so I quickly said sorry without even looking at the person. "Beck".

I hear the person calling my name to see it was Alex, the senior doctors son. He went to Norway for a important work and after 9 months he is back.

After seeing him we quickly hugged eachother with even carrying about Leone's presence. Who was burning in anger I guess.

Leone pov:

While walking she bumped into someone and they hugged eachother really tightly and started to talking to eachother while the guys hand rested on Becky's shoulder and she was hitting his chest playfully. Which caused sudden jealously and anger in me.

So without wasting another moment I went close to Becky and snaked my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me and kissed her cheek and said "Who is this, love". I could feel her completely shocked and blushing hard on the word "love" then finally she said that guy is Alex and then she said to him "This is Leone my-" before she could say something I cut her off and said proudly "Husband".

Then I could feel him shocked and he finally excused himself and left. And then she turned to me and said
"Let's go".

Becky's pov:

I could feel Leone became jealous of Alex so I wantedly went close to Alex and hitted his chest in a playfully way while smiling widely.

And then what Leone did made me blush. First time he called me "love" I felt butterflies in stomach.

After Alex went I controlled my laughter and blush face and turned to Leone and said "Let's go" in a cold tone.

Then we went to see my dad and this is Leone's first time seeing him after that incident.

While I was speaking with dad and Leone was standing beside me the doctor came and greeted us and said that the wounds are healing fast in his body. Then Leone went outside spoke with the doctor something.

And then we finally left the hospital Leone was driving the car while I was looking outside and then Leone asked me "Hmmm...Becky...Do you have any clue who did to Mr Anderson, like any enemies or someone you have doubt on". I just nodded my head as no.

Even I know who did this but I can't say Leone anything about the Mr Dominic's accident or my threats and also the main reason of the marriage as I promised Mrs Dominic that I won't.

Then I asked Leone "Can we go somewhere" and he said sure then we went to shopping mall and also amusement park and I felt really happy.

Leone's pov:

I asked her about information about her father's accident and she said she doesn't know anything and I could feel sadness in her voice.

So to cheer her up we went to mall and amusement park. At the whole time she was smiling like kid who saw a candy which was adorable and cute. And I would say I really enjoyed the day with her too.

Then finally we had dinner in a romantic hotel and we also talked about our childhood days. And then finally the a beautiful day came to an end with Me giving a red rose to her.

Thank you guys for reading this chapter.
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Another cheesy chapter..
They both are coming close with eachother...

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