Chapter 22: Really Close

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Leone's pov:

I went inside Becky's room to see her awake and thinking about something while her hand was tightly clutched in her stomach.

Then she saw me and Immediately hugged me while I was patting her head and then I kissed her forehead and stomach and sat beside her.

Then she asked "What I heard about Vanessa is it true?" she asked while looking at my eyes directly.

I kept silent for a moment because I was not ready to answer the question,I was afraid what if she gets another panick attack but I can't hide the truth from her So I nodded my head as yes.

Becky's pov:

When Leone shook his head as yes I felt like choking on air and my eyes started to get teary. Leone noticed it and hugged me tightly while saying
"It's Okay,Love".

I cried and said "She was the person who told me to save you and now she is in the hospital". He parted from the hug and gave me a confused look.

So I told him what happened that day and I said him everything that happened that day.

I was recalling the incident when I realized something Dad and Vanessa both wear speaking to me when they wear knocked like the same way.

I looked at Leone and said "Leo,I feel however attacked my Dad and Vanessa are the same person, because both of them were knocked in the same way".

He then angrily said "So it is Lee-Simones, who drugged Vanessa".
Then I asked him "Who is the leader of Lee-Simones?" and he said "I don't know yet".

I gave him a WTF look and he noticed it and said "Lee-Simones is a group which is just formed about 6 years ago, but they have skilled people. So, they became powerful quickly and got 2nd position in the Mafia World and no one knows the Capo (Leader) of the group even the people in that group doesn't know him/her"

"We have tried to find the Capo and information about the group, but they are really intelligent, they have hidden the information about them" he said while I listened to him carefully.

Then he came towards me and said "Love,Don't think about any of this. I will handle everything, you just take care of yours and baby's health" and I just nodded my head.

Then that afternoon I was discharged and we went home to see Mrs Dominic sitting in the living room worriedly. And then when she saw me and  hugged me tightly and gave me food to eat.

"Dear,Please take care of your health. The baby should be your first priority" she said and I nodded and said
"I will,Mom".

After eating Mrs Dominic insisted me to rest,So I went and slept in my room.

Leone's pov:

I was thinking about what Becky said, So Mr Anderson and Vanessa were tried to kill by the same person, But who is that person?.

I was thinking who might have done this and the only suspect that came into my mind was Alex.

So I thought, At that day when Mr Anderson was admitted was Alex present in the hospital?

I wanted the answer for this question, So I was about to go to Becky but then I remembered she doesn't know any of this and I don't want to give her more stress.

So I called the hospital immediately where Alex works and asked them and to my surprise they said He didn't.

I thought "Fuck, My suspicion was right". That Bastard is definitely gonna pay.

I called Adam and said him to arrange a gang meeting in our basement.

I was getting ready for the meeting when I got a phone from Jade and he said "Boss, We did the DNA of the locket and it shows it consist of handprints of Vanessa and other two people".

"Other two?" I asked him confused. "So Is there two person involved in this?" I then said to him "Jade, Get the DNA of Alex from the hospital and check if it matches with the locket" I ordered him and he said "On it, Boss".

My suspicions on Alex is getting stronger. He will only lead is to the ultimate Answer the Capo of Lee-Simones.

I went to the basement to see my squad standing there. I went near them and they all greeted me saying "Boss" and I said them about Alex.

And I made my gang divide into two and said "I want Alex alive at any cost, So I want everyone to work hard".

I said them to search everywhere and I  also appointed two best and most trusted Asassians to work with the Lee-Simones as a snitch and get all the information possible.

I appointed 20 guards to guard our Mansion and Becky will be guarded by Kevin.

I finished appointing their work and I  went to the Mansion and went to my room to see Becky sleeping peacefully, I gave her a kiss on the forehead and stomach.

Then I called Jade and said him to Track all the moments of Vanessa from the day she came from Norway.

I then felt I am Close to Solving the Puzzle and getting my answers which I couldn't get for past 6 years.

I am Really Close and I have heard the half truth and the puzzle will soon come to an end.

Thank you for reading my story.

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