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"Just put them in paper bags. Don't take up the trouble" Lorenzo said as he sat on the bed.

"C'mon, it's not a big deal. I'll finish it in no time" I assured and got back to packing the Christmas gifts.

Rose and Karen had helped me to make a list of Lorenzo's family, his first, second, third and fourth cousins. Then, they helped me sort out their personalities and we bought gifts for them according to their preferences.

Lorenzo's family had exactly 33 people so imagine the number of gifts that we bought.

Apparently, Rose and Karen were too tired after shopping so I decided to pack everything myself.

"Tomorrow's Christmas. I hope you'll keep your work away" I remarked and Lorenzo nodded.

After I had done all the packing, I got into bed but I couldn't sleep. So I take a novel and flip through the pages.

"Natalie" Lorenzo called.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Have you ever thought about us?" He questioned.

"Us?" I asked, confusion laced in my voice.

"Yeah, us" He seemed serious.

"Uh- no. I just never felt the need to think about it" I gave him an unserious expression.

"I know you feel the sparks when we kiss. I know your heart beats furiously when I'm close" Lorenzo stared right into my eyes, more like stared into my soul.

"I- What nonsense are you sputtering?" I said, trying to push him away.

But deep inside, I knew what he was trying to say. Yes, I felt the sparks. Yes, I get nervous when he's close. But what's so special about it if everything's gonna come to an end.

Why be happy with the present when it's going to hurt you in the future?

Lorenzo pressed his lips on mine for a brief moment.

"Why are you lying to yourself?" Lorenzo whispered into my ear, his hot breath fanning my neck.

"Stop, Lorenzo" I tried to stop him but instead he nipped on my ear and moved down to my neck, sucking it hard which resulted in me moaning.

Embarassing much? Ummm, yeah.

"You keep moaning for me but won't accept that you have feelings for me" Lorenzo chuckled and I deliberately push him away.

"I'll be in the study. I have to finalize some reports" I excused myself before running off to the study. Actually, mine and Lorenzo's.

I slowly creep back into our bedroom after making sure that Lorenzo is asleep.

Getting into bed, I turn to my side and switch of the lamp.

As I fall asleep in a deep slumber, Lorenzo places his arms around my waist and pull me closer to him.

Lorenzo's touch made me feel nervous yet I couldn't come up with an answer for myself. Am I falling for Lorenzo?

Or is it just infatuation?

-The next morning-

"Nat" Lorenzo gently shakes me by my shoulder.

"Hmmm?" I slowly get up and he hands me my phone.

"Your Dad's been calling you for quite a while now" He added.

"Hello?" I said as I pick the call.

"Natalie. Merry Christmas, dear" Dad greets me.

"Merry Christmas, Dad" I greeted back.

"I'm really sorry for calling you up on a festive day but I really need your help" Dad stated.

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