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"You're doing great" Tony cooed.

"Look at her face" Natasha chuckled.

"Enzo isn't any different" Karen grinned.

"Shut up"

"Shut up"

Both Lorenzo and I spoke at the same time making the others burst into laughter.

We're currently practicing our dance for the wedding and we both are doing everything to avoid eye contact.

We danced inches apart, yet no emotion welled in us.

After all the dance practises, we practised the bridal march and Chris decided to walk me down the aisle instead of Dad because he was getting the father-daughter dance.

Did I not mention the wedding's tomorrow?

Well, it's not that big of a deal anyway.

"Okay, let's all head home. I'm so tired" I remarked while searching for my car keys.

"We're all having dinner together since there is no rehearsal dinner" Chris informed.

"Can we skip that too?" I groaned.

"I'm afraid not" Chris smiled.

"I can't find my keys though" I said, checking my bag again.

"Umm, about that, Karen and I sent your car back home" Natasha said sheepishly.

"What?" I spat.

"Enzo's car is free anyway so you can ride in it" Evelyn offered.

"Sure" Lorenzo said in a monotone before walking out of the dance studio to the garage where his Mercedes was.

Lorenzo didn't even bother to open the door of the car for me and I didn't need his help too.

I slowly get in the back seat.

"Am I your driver? Get in the front" Lorenzo said in a harsh tone.

I sigh deeply before getting into the passenger's seat.

"Where're we headed to?" I asked.

"I don't know. Evelyn texted me the address of the restaurant. Here, type it into the GPS" Lorenzo said, handing me his phone.

"Password?" I asked again.

"1410" He answered and I checked the message and put in the location in the GPS.

I close my eyes and relax when my phone rings.

"Hey, Nick" I said over the phone.

"You didn't even tell me that you're getting married" He chuckled on the phone.

"It's not that big of a deal. It's just a stupid wedding" I stated in a flat tone.

"Kate told me a while ago that we're attending your billion dollar wedding tomorrow. How is that not a big deal?" Nick snapped.

"Nick, look, I was sure Kate would tell you so I kept quiet" I said.

"Whatever, I'll see you tomorrow, Natalie Karina Salvatore Maxfield" He sneered.

"Shut up, Nicholas Evans Markopolous" I bellowed before hanging up.

"Nicholas Evans Markopolous. So that's your guy" Lorenzo said and I don't know if I'm correct but he sounded disappointed.

"Well, you have Lauren so I guess it's fine if I have someone else too, isn't it?" I smirked.

"If you don't know what's between me and her, don't just simply say anything" He growled and his grip on the steering wheel became tighter.

"Whatever" I said looking out of the window.

All of a sudden, he stopped the car.

"Are you insane?" I asked him furiously.

"You're the one who's insane. Do you even know who she is?" Lorenzo demanded.

"Yes, she is Lauren Pink. And she's your girlfriend" I stated calmly.

"Wrong" He said.

"She's my best friend's girlfriend and because she thought that you were hitting on me, she wanted to make you believe that she was my girlfriend" Lorenzo explained.

Without saying anything else, Lorenzo starts driving and we soon reach the restaurant.

All the others had already gone in leaving Lorenzo and I.

As soon as we came to a halt, I try not to make any eye contact with him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you angry. And Nicholas is also my childhood friend's boyfriend. He was upset that I didn't tell him about my wedding" I explained before walking out of the car into the restaurant.

"Where's Enzo?" Natasha asked.

"He's coming. He must be parking the car" I answered before taking a seat.

After a few minutes, Lorenzo walks in and smiles like we never had an argument in the car.

He sits next to me and starts eating his dinner.

"Nat, what's your height?" Rose questioned, after observing the thick silence between me and Lorenzo.

"I'm 5'8" I responded.

"Oh, you're tall enough to model" Rose marveled.

"She models, part time" Tony remarked.

"Can you take me to your next photoshoot?" Karen looked at me with innocent eyes.

"I will" I chuckled.

All throughout the dinner, Lorenzo strikes a conversation with everyone else except me, of course and I did the same.

After dinner, we decide to head back home.

"Tony, let's go back home" I said, walking over to his Audi.

"I brought you here, I'll take you back home" Lorenzo insisted.

"Go, Nat. I need to stop somewhere before returning home" Tony also insisted so I walk over to Lorenzo's car.

The ride home was mostly silent until Lorenzo spoke to me.

"I'm sorry" He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because of shouting at you earlier" He said, his eyes still fixed on the road.

"It was my fault. I shouldn't have said all that" I muttered.

"Is that why you were scared to be in my car?" He questioned me.

"Yeah" I mumbled to myself but I'm sure he heard me because he giggled.

He drives me to our garage and drops me to the front doorstep even though I kept telling him I could go back in alone.

After making sure that I went in, he drove back home.

Which side of Lorenzo did I just witness?

Why was he so good to me tonight?

I really don't know if I should have my hopes up.

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