Chapter 31- Dandelions

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The blades of gentle grass snaked through my fingers and toes, the morning dew dampening my skin. Laid back I stared up at the many grey clouds that swarmed the morning sun strangling it until it completely disappeared behind the biggest of them. What a shame. Another day with the threat of rain looking over my head, it seemed.

I sighed sitting up and scanning my surroundings for any sign of the MP's that guarded the gates. I was surprised how easily I had snuck in over the side wall without detection. My bones ached as I switched positions crossing my legs over one another and reaching forward to pluck a dandelion from where it grew and began to tear off its petals one by one.

He loves me

He loves me not

He loves me

He loves me not.

I continued this pattern until nothing but a stump of pollen and it's stem remained. I turned it around in my hand tying it into knots so tight that it broke apart. I threw it away from me in frustration.

Maybe it was those damned eyes. Their blue iris and long eyelashes. Or it was his voice, that made my soul dance and my ears burn with the rush of blood. I hated that he'd infected my mind so quickly. I could think of nothing else. Especially now that I didn't have Stefan to distract me.

I hadn't the heart to visit Stefan. I didn't want to face the consequences of how I'd ended things so abruptly. I just wanted to move on. Properly this time.

I grasped the stem of a dandelion that had become a wispy ball of seeds and pulled it up. Closing my eyes I took a deep breath and blew hard so that the seeds sprung from the stem and began to float away, carried by the breeze. 

I squeezed my eyes wishing as hard as I could for a miracle of some kind.

A murmur of voices in the distance caused me to snap my eyes open ready to run off if they got to near.
Walking around the corner of the building,just coming into view, was Hange with a concerned looking male in tow.

"Shit." I muttered under my breath standing up and pulling on my shoes. I turned and began jogging back towards the wall I had jumped to get in.

"Y/n? Is that you over there?!" Hange called out. I had been spotted. I paused and turned as Hange bolted over to me leaving the male who was walking with them to jog over as well.

"Sorry, I know I shouldn't be here. I was just leaving." I turned away to leave once again but Hange caught my shoulder and spun me round enveloping me in a tight hug.

"Didn't think I'd ever see you again. I can't wait to show you the progress I've made over in the research facility!" My body stiffened as they held me before eventually letting go and pulling the other person who was with them forward.

"Oh! And you haven't even been introduced to Moblit! Y/n, this is Moblit,my assistant! Moblit, this is
Y/n." Hange leant in to whisper into Moblit's ear. "She used to hang around with the Commander but they had a major falling out." Moblit extended his hand towards me.

"Hi. It's good to meet you." He said kindly. I shook his hand.

"Listen, I really ought to go. I don't want Erwin to see me out here." I said anxious to leave.

"Don't be ridiculous! He's probably dying to see you!" Hange exclaimed.

I doubted that heavily. If anything he'd probably call the MP's to drag me away to some dark and dingy dungeon where I could be feasted upon by rats and end up as nothing but a pile of bones.

Before I was worried that he'd told them what had happened but just based on Hange's reaction it seemed like he'd kept it to himself. The question was why?


Hange half escorted me inside guiding me to Erwin's office and pounding on the door but there was no reply from inside the office. They pushed the door and it slowly creaked open.

"Why don't you just wait in here while I go and look for him?" Hange pushed the door open slightly further.

"I'm really not sure this is such a good idea. I just thing that-"

"Nonsense." Hange shoved me in through the door. "Be right back!" They exclaimed and closed the door.

I looked around me at his office. Just the way it was before. Chaotic and messy. I examined the bookshelves which were clean despite having seemingly been untouched for many years.
I walked over to the desk my fingers grazing it's varnished edges. Peeking out from under a pile of papers was a small mark where the stain of the wood seemed to have been washed away. I thought back to how I had knocked over a teacup to get Erwin out of the room. The deceit I had pulled just to get the information required and I still didn't manage to get it. All in all it had been for nothing.

Erwin's cloak lay on the chair that was to the side of the room. The one I had often sat in to work whilst I had been here. I lifted it carefully and moved to the coat hook by the door hanging it up. I touched it gently, my thumb brushing over its embroidered wings of freedom.
How many battles had it seen? Probably too many. And yet it still remained pristine. My fingers lingered on its coarse woollen fabric.


I sprung back from it, hearing that same floorboard creak just like it had done 6 months prior. He was in the room.

Commander, Soldier, Spy (Erwin X Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora