Chapter Four-

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Luke rushed over to the stereo and switched it off where as I was stood there emotionless but scared, my eyes wide open and my heart racing way above normal speed.

"Iris, please talk to me" Luke said, worry plastered over his face as he held my cheeks talking to me, looking me in the eyes.

I just stood there not taking any of it in.

I was just broadcasted on the radio.

"They don't know who you are!" Luke said raising his voice with worry.

I stepped back from him, "but they will" I said shakily, "they'll find out who I am and they'll want to know absolutely everything!" I shouted, "I don't even know what happened, I passed out and woke up here" I said stumbling, worrying and stressing.

"They won't know where to find you, nothing happened, we didn't even share a bed!" Luke said, worry clear in his face.

"They don't know that Luke, they'll lie, they'll sell stories to make money! God, they think I'm some one night stand!" I started to raise my voice as I ran a shaky hand through my long hair.

"Im so sorry Iris" luke whispered looking down.

"Its not your fault, I fell into you, I was the idiot" I said sighing.

"You're anything but an idiot, I should've been more careful about this, I should've known the paparazzi would get me" he sighed resting on the kitchen side.

He turned the eggs off before we started dancing, food was the last thing on my mind right now.

"Come here" he said, but I didn't move, I felt like I couldn't.

Instead Luke walked over to me and hugged me so tightly.

"I'm sorry" he whispered

I sniffled but nodded my head.

"Let me take you home" he said, I again, sniffled and nodded.

I put my shoes on as did Luke and he opened the front door with me stood beside him.

Suddenly flashes started to burn my retina's causing me to cover my hand over my face.

"Fuck", luke whispered as he slammed the door shut.

"What the hell was that!" I shouted rubbing my eyes.

"Iris fuck I'm so sorry, they're going to be rude they're going to shout questions at you but you have to promise me you'll ignore them!" Luke said placing both hands on my shoulders.

I had no idea what was going on just that a bunch of paps took our photo leaving the next morning, this must look awful.

"Promise me Iris, I'll get us out of here but just ignore them" luke repeated causing me to nod, "y,yes I promise" I said racking my brain around all this.

"You ready?" He asked, I nodded and bit my bottom lip, he creased his eyebrows and flashed his eyes from my eyes to my lip to my eyes again.

He coughed, shook his head and grabbed my hand.

"Okay, lets go" he said and with that he opened the door and the flashes started again, there were radio presenters with microphones, paparazzi with their huge HD cameras and nosey public with their IPhones.

A woman with a recorder ran up to us.

luke ignored her and dragged me through the crowd holding my hand tightly.

"Did you two have sex?" She asked.

"What?" I whispered.

"Do you two know each other?"

"Did Luke drug you?"

"Did you drug Luke?"

"Are you pregnant?"

"Are they last night's clothes?"

All these questions were getting thrown at us, swimming through my mind, it was so over whelming but with Luke on my arm I felt okay, safe and happy.

We got into his car and Luke drove off straight away, "iris.." He started.

"If you're planning to apologize save it, I'm fine I promise" I smiled and he placed his hand on my knee.

"You're so brave, even my mum freaks" Luke smiled causing me to smile too.

We pulled up outside mine ten minutes later and it fell quiet.

"Would you like to come in?" I asked, my hands starting to sweat a little.

How do you invite a celebrity into your house though?

"I'd love to.." Luke said, but something in his face made me know he was going to turn it down.

"But", I started his next sentence off for him.

"But I've got plans with Caitie, Daniella, Gabriella, Niamh and the rest of the girls" Luke said causing my smile to drop and eyebrows to crease a little.

"They're my best friends, they call themselves Ekuls Crew, we meet up every so often and they hate it when I'm late" luke said making me smile again.

Why was I so bothered?

"I would love your number though" he smiled as he tapped his fingers on his steering wheel.

The Fame Of The Unfortunate Girl - Luke FriendDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora