Chapter Twenty Six-

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We got the all clear and could go, Luke kept his arm around my waist all the way to his car.

"Sorry about all the trouble I cause you" I said as we started driving.

"What?" He snapped, "listen to me, you cause me no trouble at all! Iris, I want you in my life, you cause me nothing but happiness" he said and placed his hand on my knee, heat penetrated off his hand warming my body, I missed his touch.

"I missed you" I said causing him to smile, "i missed you all day yesterday that's why I drank" I blurted causing him to sigh, "sorry baby, its just, I was stook in meetings all day and I couldn't even meet up with ekuls crew, they weren't happy at all" he sighed causing me to nod, "its okay" I said placing my hand on his.

Here's me thinking he used me, he was stook in meetings, nothing to worry about.

"Do I make you unhappy?" I asked causing him to laugh, "if you made me unhappy I'd tell you and walk away" he said causing my heart to race faster.

"Of course you don't make me unhappy, you make me the happiest person ever, I've never been this happy trust me, now what's with all these questions?" He asked and shot me a glance then looked back to the road.

"Just, the girl last night said a few things" I shrugged causing him to go stiff, his face looking angered.

"What did she say" he sighed, "oh it uh, it doesn't matter" I said looking down at our intertwined hands.

"Iris, tell me" he said through gritted teeth.

"She said I don't deserve you and I shouldn't deserve to see you laugh or see you at all and then she kicked me in the head" I said shakily, a lump forming in my throat.

He removed our hands and hit his steering wheel.

"Fuck!" He yelled, causing me to jump.

We pulled up outside his and Luke rested his head on his steering wheel.

"Luke?" I asked quietly. I placed my hand on his arm and he sighed, relaxing into my hand.

"You do deserve me" he said and sat up staring at me, "you deserve to see me happy because you're the one who makes me happy, listen to me, don't you dare listen to anyone okay, from now on its us and only us, and Kath of course but I'm talking about paparazzi and friendies, well some friendies, most adore you, okay?" He asked and I nodded.

We got out his car and into his house, with Luke's help of course.

He sat me down on the kitchen stool and he said he'd make us a sandwich as I hadn't eaten for a while.

I then remembered first being in here sat in this exact seat, luke turning on the radio and dancing around singing with his amazing voice and laughing together.

I walked over to the radio and turned it on, I grabbed his hand's and we danced around the kitchen, laughing and singing loudly.

After the song I turned it off and was about to grab a drink from the fridge.

"Oh my god!" I shouted.

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