Chapter Twenty Three-

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"Fucking hell" Kath said moving my hair away from my neck, "that's some mark" she said with a giggle.

I pushed her away with a sigh and flustered cheeks.

"Did that hurt?" She asked, eyes sparkling with curiousness.

"I uh, I was too lost in the moment, can we move on, the whole world knows now anyway!" I said frustrated.

"I hate this, I hate everyone knowing what we do and when we do it and how we fucking do it, do you know some girl tweeted me asking if I topped? I don't want to even know what that means, and if it means what I think it does, why should they know!" I shouted running my hands through my hair.

"Woah, calm down!" Kath said sitting me back down, "you need a drink, me and you both need a strong drink" she said causing me to nod.

She came back through with a bottle of jacks and a bottle of vodka.

She poured us both shots and we were drinking like fish.

"I don't need this" I slurred refiling our drinks, Kath giggling drunkenly at me.

"You're right, you don't deserve to be treated like a toy from the press they're just lying bastatds" she laughed causing me to nod.

"We don't need no one but us!" I laughed and we downed our like twentieth shot.

My mind was spinning, my blood felt like it had been replaced with vodka and I felt great.

Suddenly my phone started ringing and Kath held her finger to her lips whilst making "shh" noises.

I laughed and answered.

"Hello sir madam this is who you wanted to call and maybe I'm busy maybe im not" I slurred causing Kath to scream with laughter.

"Iris?" I heard Luke's voice ask causing me to laugh a little more.

"Oh look, its my boyfriend, my baby boy my little dreadlocked sunshine" I smiled into the phone causing him to sigh.

"You're drunk" he said causing me to laugh, "and you're not" I pointed out.

"I just saw what the paparazzi took of you earlier, when you went to the shops? I wanted to see if you were okay?" He asked, worry etching his voice.

"I'm perfectly perfect and prefect as can be", I sung down the phone.

"Where are you?, i don't want you going out like this, its too dangerous out there" luke said causing me to roll my eyes, I covered up the microphone and looked at Kath, "shall we go out" I said quietly whislt laughing, she nodded and her eyes widened with excitement.

"Luke listen baby, I gotta go, but I'll hit you up later yeah, I mean, I'll at least call you" I said laughing, "what's that supposed to mean?" He asked.

"I mean I'll call you when I say I will, not like you, you, you lying caller" I laughed and hung up, "let's go!", kath screamed and we stumbled out the door laughing all the way into town.

The Fame Of The Unfortunate Girl - Luke FriendWhere stories live. Discover now