Chapter Thirty Six-

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Luke retweeted it and so did I.
I left my phone on the side to blow up with tweets.

"Don't you reply to them?" Luke asked and I shrugged, "sometimes" I smiled and he laughed.

"I love you", he said causing me to look up at him as we snuggled on the sofa "I love you more". I kissed his lips and heard the door open.

I quickly moved off him and heard him and Sue giggle.

"Don't be silly love, make yourself at home" sue waved it off and grabbed her phone.

"Teas ready guys" she said and we both walked in, I made sure to grab my phone.

We sat down and I noticed Steve wasn't here.

Sue must've seen my questionable looking face as I stared at the empty chair.

"He's at work love, hes away for a week" she said and I nodded and smiled.

I couldn't be away from Luke for a week. I think I'd curl up in a ball and stay there.

I decided to get my phone out, text in one hand and eat with the other, obviously I hid it under the table, whenever I felt someone looking, I'd look up and smile.

"This is great" I complimented.

"Thank you, she's a keeper Luke" sue winked causing Luke to giggle.

"Luke" I text him.

His phone vibrated and he frowned, he got it out and unlocked it, he then looked at me and frowned again.

"What's wrong?" He text back.

"Have we ever had unprotected sex?"
Short sweet and to the point.

Hopefully he won't see right through it.

He had his thinking face on.

"What are you talking about? Why are we doing this now, we'll talk later"

And with that he locked his phone and walked into he kitchen.

Oh shit he's angry.

I excused myself, thanked Sue and complimented the tea she made.

I washed my plate with her telling me not to and walked upstairs to find Luke.

I opened the first door to find a bathroom, I rolled my eyes and tried the second, a box room, third Sue and Steves room, I laughed to myself and opened the fourth door.

Luke was sat on the end of a double bed.

"I can't believe you'd do that", he said straight away, I looked down and walked in, he got up and shut his door, walking round his room.

"With my mum at the dinner table" he half shouted.

The Fame Of The Unfortunate Girl - Luke FriendWhere stories live. Discover now