Chapter Twenty Nine-

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"What's wrong!" Luke rushed toward me and picked my body up off the floor.

"The press Luke, just everything about them, they seem to know everything!" I yelled at him, the tears wouldn't stop.

"Its okay, it'll all blow over you'll see" he said worriedly.

"I just really don't know if I can handle this anymore, the hate, the judgmental comments, the lies and betrayal" I sigh as I run a shaky hand through my perfectly combed and wavy hair.

"you're gorgeous Iris, you can't let the paparazzi get to you this way, I won't let them!" Luke said holding me tightly almost too afraid to let go.

"Luke, they already have, don't you see that?" I said sniffing loudly.

He took a step back and frowned.

"What?" He asked and I cried harder.

"You haven't even noticed, I never ever leave the house without checking my appearance at least five times, I check my outfits over, I check my makeup has covered a pimple or a scar, I never used to care about what anyone thought now look at me, I'm a terrified mess" I yelled causing Luke to frown, his breathing was going fast.

"I'm scared Luke, I'm so fucking scared of everything, I don't want to leave the house anymore, im scared of what they'll make up next, you haven't even realized it Luke, no one has" I shouted as heated tears kept falling and falling.

"What are you saying Iris?" He asked, his voice shaky, terrified.

"I will always protect you, from paparazzi, from friendies but this" luke said and pointed to me, "your appearance that's all you, you Iris" he said.

"Its not anymore Luke, I'm not my own person anymore, last night was the first time I'd let my hair down and look what happened, I got beaten, I got lied about in the papers and I got judged" I sighed and so did Luke.

"I don't know what to do anymore" I cried and Luke's face look pained.

"I was a nobody Luke, nothing ever close to exciting ever happened to my life and then I met you and that all changed and I'm still trying to wrap my head around everything, I'm being called and emailed asking for interviews heck my twitter has even been certified, I'm a no one Luke!" I yelled and cried and must look a mess.

"You're mine! That's all that matters, I need you Iris, you're not going anywhere because I won't let you!" He said and held me tightly.

"Iris I love you"

The Fame Of The Unfortunate Girl - Luke FriendWhere stories live. Discover now