Chapter Forty Two-

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"Are you okay? You seem, edgy?" Luke asked, I kept my eyes on the woman's toilet door.
"Babe?" Luke asked and I shook my head, snapping me out of my stare.

"Sorry, there was this girl in the loo, she was sniffing" I whispered and Luke frowned, "she looked really really ill and had jab marks in her arms" I whispered again.

"Some addictions are worse than other addictions" luke sighed, "what can we do about it?" Luke asked and I smiled at his helpfulness.

"I dunno, she seemed quite rude but she hasn't left the toilet yet" I frowned.

We ate up and I was still unsure as to why she hasn't left the toilets.

"Maybe she left when you weren't looking?" Luke shrugged and I hummed in response.

"Can you stand outside the toilets if I check?" I asked and Luke smiled, "heart of gold you! Of course I will iris" he said and we both stood up.

I walked in and my heart sunk as I gasped, "shit, Luke!" I yelled and Luke ran in.

He gasped and his face paled.
This girl had collapsed on the floor with her nose bleeding, really bleeding.

"I'll call an ambulance" I said and got my phone out with shaky hands.

I told them where to come and Luke picked her up bridal style and carried her out front.
The ambulance came and took her away.

"Are you two coming?" The driver asked
"Yes" I said and jumped in the back with Luke.

"We don't know her" he whispered, "we can't leave her alone like this, look at her" I sighed and held Luke tightly.

"I love you, so fucking much" Luke sighed and kissed my lips.
" I love you that much too" I giggled.

The Fame Of The Unfortunate Girl - Luke FriendWhere stories live. Discover now