Chapter Forty Nine-

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"Iris no! I'm always always going to be here and love you" he smiled weakly.

"You told me you'd protect me from the press? You promised" i sighed and Luke nodded, "I know" he whispered.

"You took their side, you believed them" i choked out, "I know iris, i know and I am so so sorry and i cant apologise more, this weekend was so perfect and i went and just ruined everything!" He yelled and i walked up to him and wiped away his tears.

"You ruined nothing" i smiled and Luke relaxed into my hand.

"Let us forget about it and move on, start by throwing this piece of shit" he smiled and tore up the newspaper then threw it in the bin.

"Come here you" i said and pushed him on the sofa.

We made it clear we were sorry.

I made us dinner and we watched telly.

Everything was just fitting into place perfectly.

We had our lovely little lives here in London and I wouldn't change it for the world.
Luke went out gigging and when he came back we'd cook together, laugh together go out and eat together.

some of the friendies still didn't really like the idea of me being around but the rest knew how happy I was making Luke and it was clear how happy he made me.

We were sat in a posh little restaurant at the minute, candle light and everything.

Luke started shuffling nervously and then crouched down to my side.
Everyone started watching and gasping, my eyes widened in disbelief, what is happening?
"Luke? " i said and threw a hand over my mouth.

He grabbed my hand and was now on one knee.
The butterflies shooting through my stomach made me want to scream with excitement.

"You make me the happiest man I could ever be, living with you and growing with you is something I live for, it's what makes me jump out of bed in the morning with a smile on my face, waking up to you is all I ever want and need, you're my everything and I couldn't ask for a better girl to share my life with, iris I love you so much and I want to share my whole life with you, i want us to explore the world together and to fight this world together, just us two so iris summers..."

The Fame Of The Unfortunate Girl - Luke FriendWhere stories live. Discover now