Chapter Sixteen-

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Luke backed off a bit with a worried face, "sorry, let's say it was a twitch?" The girl laughed with her friend, "okay, I need to get back to Iris now" luke said causing the girl to shake her head.

"But I told my friends you were here and they're dying to meet you" she said with an upset face.

About five minutes later the restaurant was heaving with friendies, about forty of them around Luke demanding photos and autographs.

I sighed and decided to go tell Luke I was leaving.

I got up and tried to make my way past all these stubborn girls.

"Excuse me" I said causing one to shove me back, "get in line bitch" one shouted.

I was so shocked, heart broken and tired, I was waiting in my chair for twenty minutes and Luke hadn't even looked at me once.

"Luke!" I shouted only for him to laugh with all his friendies about some joke.

"Omg you're iris?" A girl said causing me to go stiff, what if they attack me.

"No, sorry I'm not" I said and walked away, I freaked out, I didn't know what else to say.

'Yes its me now you can hurt me for taking away your idol,' I don't think so.

I took one look back and sighed.

I left a fifty pound note on the table underneath the menu for the waitor who took it with demand as he was tutting at all the girls screaming in his restaurant.

"I'm so sorry about all of that" I said and walked out the restaurant alone.

Tears made there way to my eyes, I sniffled and walked on, paparazzi were no where to be seen which was good.

I rubbed my arms from the coldness and walked faster than usual.

I checked my phone and saw I had a text from Kath along with 2000 twitter notifications.

"I'm going out tonight, I'll be back tomorrow afternoon" the text said causing me to cry a bit more

I need her right now but I won't disturb her fun, this text means she's getting drunk.

After walking for twenty minutes I was finally home.

I got into my flat slammed the door without locking it and dived onto my bed in heaps of tears.

I threw my shoes off and took my dress off throwing it with a scream, I put on a baggy T-shirt.

I wiped my makeup off and got into bed crying and crying.

Suddenly I heard my front door open, I had my back to my bedroom door and I stiffened.

The Fame Of The Unfortunate Girl - Luke FriendWhere stories live. Discover now