Chapter Fiveteen-

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I shook my head with a giggle and about ten minutes later we were there, a cute little restaurant.

It looked expensive and fancy and everything I'm not

So I started to shuffle in his car due to nerves of not being good enough.

"Hey hey, relax love, you look perfect" he smiled and got out the car, he walked over to my side and opened it up, as soon as we stepped out there were more flashes of camera lights.

"Hello sir, madam" the doorman smiled.

"Table for Friend" Luke smiled and the dorman smiled back.

"Right this way please" the doorman said and we followed him.

"Luke this is so lovely" I said admiring the chandeliers hanging off the ceiling and the candles burning in the windows

"We will take your order soon, please make yourselves comfortable" he said and handed us the menus then walked away.

The menus were even made from leather.

We looked over our menus but kept peeping at each other which made me laugh, "stop staring at me" I giggled causing Luke to shake his head, "I don't think I can" he winked causing me to blush.

The waitor came over and poured us some champagne which caused me to frown, "Luke, you shouldn't have" I said causing him to smile warmly, "anything for you iris, remember that" he said and held my hand across the table.

My chest was on fire, in fact my whole body was.

"Thankyou" I mouthed to him as the waitor was still here, Luke smiled and looked up at him.

"Can we take your orders?" He asked and so he did, I ordered pasta and Luke ordered steak.

"I wish you'd eat more" luke said warily causing my eyes to widen a bit, "I eat enough crap at home Luke, don't you worry" I winked causing him to smile bit with a bit of worry

"Honestly Luke, I don't have an eating problem" I squeezed his hand and his face lit up.

I heard some girls giggling in front of me, behind Luke and when I looked up they were pointing, taking photos and just watching us.

Friendies, great.

"I'm just going to go to the toilet" Luke said causing me to nod, he slipped his hand out of mine which made me want to drag it back.

Luke walked past the fan girls and nodded at them "ladies" he smiled to them causing them to squeal.

"Wait" one shouted causing Luke to stop and talk to them, they were taking photos and laughing together.

"You need to kiss Charisse she's your biggest fan!" One girl said causing my eyes to widen and my fist to tighten.

"On the cheek yeah?" He asked, they weren't that close but close enough so I could hear them.

Luke kissed this girl on the cheek but then the girl moved her head so their lips touched my heart broke, you could actually hear it shatter.

I knew it wasn't Lukes fault but yet I was still angry at him for kissing her in the first place.

The Fame Of The Unfortunate Girl - Luke FriendWhere stories live. Discover now