Chapter Twenty Seven-

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"What's happened are you hurt?" He asked and ran over to my side.

I stood staring at this little picture with fear, my face probably paling, my hands shaking.

"Baby, talk to me", he said and looked where my eyes were fixed on.

"Iris" he said and I pointed to the photo.

"That's me and ekuls crew? You know that baby" he said and I shook my head.

"That's her Luke" I said and pointed to a brown haired girl.

"What!" Luke shouted, he placed his hand over his mouth like he was going to be sick, "I swear that's her!" I said and Luke walked over to the kitchen counter and placed both hands on it looking at the ground he let out a loud scream.

I ran over to him and turned him to face me and hugged him tightly.

"I'm so fucking sorry baby" he whispered, I shook my head "its not your fault Luke" I sighed and as I pulled away and looked at him tears were escaping his eyes causing me to gasp, I quickly wiped them away.

"Stop Luke, its not your fault" I said and he nodded but kissed me deeply, "I'm going to sort this" he said and walked over to the photo and tore it down, ripping it up and throwing it into the bin.

I could do nothing but stare in shock.

"Take a bath, relax, read a magazine, go download some apps on your phone but don't go outside please baby" he said and I nodded and took my phone out his hands, he must've gotten it off Kath.

"I dropped Kath off at her flat" he said almost reading my mind, "she gave me your phone but she's okay" he said and I nodded with a smile.

"I'm going to sort everything, stay here and make yourself at home" he said and I nodded again.

"Stay safe okay" I said and he smiled, joined our lips and kissed me warmly.

Then he was walking away from me and locked his front door, I heard him drive away and I checked my phone.

I called kath just telling her I was okay and what had happened up to now, I thanked her for calling Luke and told her to stay safe.

I then went through my many notifications, I preffered it before when my phone hardly made a sound.

"Iris Summers seen leaving Pete's bar in Luke's arms beaten black and blue carried into Luke's car then driven to the hospital, who did this? Why? Was it Luke? Was it a step too far, is this the end for them two?"

I frowned and got angry, really fucking angry.

I went onto twitter and decided to tweet for the first time ever.

"Luke didn't hurt me, he would never dream of doing that, it was a hater, a Friendie" I pressed 'tweet' and watched my phone blow up with favorites and retweets and then replies.

"I hope you're okay Iris? There are genuine friendies out there who love you #teamLiris"

That tweet made me smile so I retweeted it and decided to reply.

"Thank you so much love and yes I'm fine, just resting at the minute" I pressed tweet and saw loads more people tweet me asking for follows.

The girl replied, "oh my god! You replied oh my god ! Nxkxmxxk I love you" I smiled and locked my phone.

I breathed in deeply and closed my eyes.

the last thing I saw was her foot coming right at my face, colliding with my head and knocking me into darkness.

I snapped my eyes open and controlled my breathing.

Every time I close my eyes all I see is her foot colliding with my head.

This is going to be a long few days.

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