Chapter Five-

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My heart started racing again.

"Sure" I smiled and he passed me his phone, I put my number in and saved it, passing him his phone back I undid my seatbelt.

"Thanks for the lift and for taking me to yours and saving me from the press and what ever" I giggled causing him to laugh as well.

"Anytime love" he smiled, "I'll call you later" he said causing me to nod as I got out his car.

I walked to my door and waved as he watched me.

I unlocked it and walked in closing it and breathing in and out heavily.

"You have some explaining to do" Kath said as I turned around.

I told her everything, without missing out a word.

"I heard it on the radio and telly and look at this Iris" Kath said, grabbing a newspaper, fourth page was a photo of Luke holding me bridal style to his car as I was passed out in his arms.

"Oh god" I whispered slapping my forehead with the palm of my hand.

"You're all over twitter, music channels and radio stations!" Kath said fastly.

"Its going to be okay, I'm going to be okay" I informed her.

"How, they'll dig and dig and dig until they manage to break you" Kath warned.

"I know what I'm doing, I won't let them get to me" I said causing her to sigh and nod, "I'm always going to protect my famous best friend" Kath said giggling in my ear as we hugged tightly.

Truth was, I had no flippen idea what I was going to do.

It hit five o'clock I'd had a bath, dried my hair changed and cleaned the apartment, still no call from Luke.

"Have you heard from him yet?" Kath asked causing me to shake my head whilst biting my lip, something I did to stop myself from crying.

"He will, he said so" Kath said nodding her head.

I grabbed my tea and sipped it, I unlocked my phone and it was blowing up with notifications and new twitter followers.

-do we have to dress plainly to get celebs attention? Ask Iris.- was a new magazine article, I closed it and sighed.

"They know my name, age and now they're telling me how to dress" I sighed clearing my notifications only for more to come buzzing through.

"It'll be okay babe, it'll blow over, they'll soon get bored" kath nodded she was bringing me at least some sort of hope.

My phone started ringing causing me to smile.

"Answer!" Kath whispered harshly.

"Hello" I smiled into the phone.

But it wasn't Luke, it was a woman.

"Hello this is the department for Crown Management and its come to our attention that you're becoming close with one of our clients, Mr. Luke Friend" she said causing my heart to beat fast.

I shook my head at Kath signalling it wasn't him.

"Uh, well I stayed over last night" I said.

"Okay, this is something Luke should run by us so we can cover it up from the press" she answered causing me to knit my eyebrows together.

"Okay?" I said back, so confused.

"Will you be seeing him again?" They asked, "well we haven't made plans but.." I said only to get cut off.

"Look, paparazzi and photographers are harsh people, they'll lie and dig and lie about you two, so be careful Miss Iris Summers" she said and hung up the phone.

They know my full name?

I shook my head and slammed down my phone on the couch.

I need a walk to clear my head.

There's no way I'm leaving the house with trackies on only to get judged.

I put on some white skinnies, black ankle boots, and my black plain T-shirt.

I put on a little more makeup then I normally would then, i perfectly curled my hair and walked downstairs.

"Is this outfit too plain?" I asked Kath.

"Oh my god you look gorgeous, where are you going?" She said widening her eyes.

"Just a walk around, clear my head" I shrugged grabbing my leather jacket.

"You're walking around dressed up nicely? Iris are you alright?"

The Fame Of The Unfortunate Girl - Luke FriendWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt