Chapter Thirty Eight-

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"Oh my god" she said, and my whole face went red.

"No, no no!" I said, "I'm not, I mean I don't know" I stumbled.

"You don't know?" Luke asked, "I mean I might not be" I said.

"But you could be?" Sue asked and I sighed.

"I don't know" I answered.

"Have you two been protective? Do we have to have the talk?" She asked and I froze.

"God, no mum, I haven't needed the talk for years, I know what I'm doing" Luke answered and sudden jealously panged into me.
He's done this with loads of girls. Probably lost his virginity in this room.
I felt sick.

"Clearly not Luke" she carried on.
"Well go ask all the other girls and see if I've gotten them knocked up" he burst out causing me to gasp and my eyes to widen.

I needed to get out of this room. I saw Lukes on suite and made a dash for it, locking myself in.
I now let the tears fall, it was probably stupid of me to cry but I can't believe he just said that in front of me.

"Luke, you go and say sorry, you set this right because I know she is the perfect girl for you, I bloody know it, don't you ruin this son, you go set this right" I heard sue say and then I heard a door close.

I sighed and carried on crying quietly.

" Well go ask all the other girls and see if I've gotten them knocked up"
I can't believe he said that.

"Iris" luke said and knocked on the door, he tried to open it and when he realized it was locked he sighed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that" he said and knocked.

I opened it forcefully.

"I wanted this to be perfect I wanted all of this to go swiftly, I wanted to meet your mum, bake with her, go shopping with her, I don't want this" I said and picked up the pregnancy test, "do you think I want to see if I'm pregnant or have you forgotten that this affects me too? Don't you think I thought of you because I did, I thought of your career and how it'll ruin that, I thought about how old we are I thought of it all" I yelled as the tears came crashing down.

"I also thought of how you could be out there right now fucking all the other girls out there and not get them knocked up, I've thought of it all!" I yelled and Luke grabbed my arm.

I pushed him off me and he had a pained expression on his face.

"I love you Iris, I love you millions and I didn't mean what I said, there hasn't been that many girls I've slept with" be said and I sighed "I don't want to know how many girls you've shagged for gods sake Luke" I said.

"I just don't want you throwing it in my face. I don't want you.." I said and Luke cut me off.

"Holy shit I remember" he started. "We did have unprotected sex and it was my fault"

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