Chapter Forty Six-

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I showered and dressed, did my hair and did my makeup.
We were ready to hit the road.

"Thanks for having us" i smiled and hugged Lukes mum tightly.

"You're more than welcome, seriously always pop by" she whispered and i nearly teared up.

"We will,  most definitely" i smiled and so did she.

She kissed my cheek and then moved on to Luke.

They hugged for about three minutes she kissed his cheek and told him to come back as soon as he could.

We got into the car with our luggage and waved Sue off all the way down the road.

"She's so lovely" i smiled and Luke nodded.

There was a silence i couldn't quite put my finger on.
You know there's awkward silence, sad silence,  even angry silence but this, this was like a mix of all three?

I looked out the window and bit my lip, maybe Lukes just sad he's leaving his mum all alone? Maybe he's sad he didn't see his dad?

Maybe he misses Gizmo? Maybe he's sexually frustrated because I refused to have sex with him under his mum's roof.

I slept most of the way and when I woke up from my nap it was still quiet.

"What's wrong Luke?" I asked quietly.

"Nothing,  why do you keep asking me?" He snapped and my eyebrows furrowed as my heart rate raised.

I decided to ignore him and look out the window.
Only another twenty minutes and then we're home.

"Are you hungry? I can make us dinner when we get in?" I asked and he nodded.

I frowned again.
I can't take this anymore.

"Is it me? Have I done something so terrible to make you ignore me?" It was my turn to snap.

The Fame Of The Unfortunate Girl - Luke FriendWhere stories live. Discover now