Chapter Thirty Five-

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"Iris!?" Luke yelled and ran upstairs.

"What's wrong? I heard you shout, you sounded in pain" he said and looked me up and down.

"Uh, nothing I just I need to uh, I need to go out" I said and Luke frowned.

"Now? I need to ask you something?" He asked and I froze, "will you come to Devon with me, meet my folks? My mums dying to meet you" he smiled and I relaxed, Ive heard a lot about his mum.


She sounds amazing.

"Of course" I smiled and decided to take a trip to their chemist.

I got dressed and we packed, we didn't pack a lot as we were only staying for three days.

"Ready?" Luke asked and I nodded, I kissed his lips softly and we drove off, a nice three hour drive of me thinking nothing but about babies.

"You seem anxious? Are you okay?" Luke asked as we had half an hour left.

"My parents are great they love you already " he laughed and I smiled, "just nervous that's all" I said and he held my hand.

I was more nervous about the fact that something might be growing inside me.

He's got his music career and his whole life.
I can't ruin that.

We pulled up outside his parents house and I felt sick again. But with nerves.

What if they hate me.
Decide I'm no good enough for their son.

A woman ran out of this house with a huge warming smile.

"Luke baby, its been too long" she sung as she ran up to him with open arms, she held him tightly almost as if never wanting to let go.

She looked at him with such adoration and like he'd just been born.

It made me miss my parents.

I smiled at them and nearly let a tear fall at the sight of them.

"Sorry mum, you know what it's like" luke replied kissing her cheek.

"And I'm guessing this gorgeous girl is Iris" she said, her cheeks rosy and her hair a beautiful brown.

I nodded and smiled, "yes ma'am"

"Oh please, none of that nonsense, call me Sue, or even mum if you'd like?" She smiled and hugged me.

I squeezed her back and thought of my mum.

"Quick let's get inside before paparazzi jump out of a bush" she laughed and held my hand dragging me inside.

It smelt like cookies and it was warm and welcoming. It was beautiful.

"I love your house, it's gorgeous" I said looking around the living room.

Little pictures of baby Luke, pictures of Luke holding puppy Gizmo.

It was adorable.

Luke grabbed my hand and kissed the top of my head.

Seeing these baby photos reminded me of my latest issue.

I'll tell him at the dinner table. That way he can't lose his shit at me.

Well I won't tell him, I'll text him.


Great plan. I thought and smiled, "you two are the cutest, I'm taking a photo of you and tweeting it" she smiled, suddenly my appearance bothered me.

I was about to decline but luke whispered "you look absolutely gorgeous"

I smiled up at him and heard the camera shutter.

Sue looked at her phone and her eyes sparkled.

"Mum? Are your crying?", Luke asked and ran up to her.

"Look how gorgeous you both are, such love in one photo" she said causing Luke to smile.

I walked over to them and looked at the photo, I was smiling up at Luke and he was smiling down at me, his hand around my waist and mine on his back, my other hand on his stomach, it was a gorgeous photo.

"I love it" I smiled and Luke agreed.

The Fame Of The Unfortunate Girl - Luke FriendHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin