Chapter Eight-

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"You're right, let's go" Luke huffed as he grabbed my hand and we drove off, back to his place.

He got out the car without a word, the drive was so quiet.

He opened my door for me and when I got out, he slammed it shut.

Luke then opened his front door and I closed it behind me.

"Arsehole!" Luke yelled punching his wall then crying in pain, I ran up to him and saw bloody knuckles.

"Luke stop!" I shouted, "just stop" I whispered hugging him tightly.

He hugged me back, his breathing was unstable.

"Go sit down and I'll grab some ice" I said seeing a little bruised up cut under his eye from the fight.

I grabbed some ice and wrapped it in a tea towel.

"Let me do it" I said as he was about to grab my homemade ice pack.

"Thank you" he mumbled, I placed it on his knuckles for about five minutes and then moved on to his eye in which he made a hiss noise at the pain.

"Baby" I mumbled with a smile, he shot me a half smile but frowned at the pain again.

"I'll order us some pizza, sorry its not as good as nandos" he said causing me to smile, "its better, thank you" I smiled and he got up to order his food.

I placed the ice in the sink to melt and put the tea towel on the side ready for Luke to wash.

There was a photo of Luke on the fridge with a bunch of girls around him, I assume they were ekuls crew I stared at the photo and admired how happy Luke looked, all the girls were so gorgeous.

I walked back in the living room and sat down, my phone started to ping like crazy, I've realized it does this when new information about me is found.

So when I picked my phone up and unlocked it, my heart was beating like crazy.

A load of frendies have retweeted a new article.

"Luke defends iris by offending a waiter, is this L-O-V-E?"

That article title made me laugh a little.

Love? We've known each other three days.

I started to actually read a few friendies tweets due to boredem.

Someone called Chloe wrote "Iris' dress sense makes me want to burn my wardrobe, she's gorgeous"

That made me smile so I favorited it.

I love it when I'm not constantly getting hate.

Someone called Angel wrote "I don't care what you all think, Luke looks absolutely happy when he's with her, how can you ruin that?"

Another friendie tweeted "Is she still in the picture? God damn, kill her already #LukesMine"

I frowned and locked my phone, I knew I'd get hateful judgmental comments but telling someone to go die is lower than low.

Luke walked back in with a cheery smile, "all ordered, now we wait" he smiled causing me to weakly smile back.

"What's wrong Iris?" He asked sitting down quickly.

"Your fandom, they hate me don't they" I sighed causing him to frown, "there's bond to be haters love, but not all of them hate you, Ekuls crew said you were gorgeous earlier" he smiled causing me to smile too, he's so infectious, when he smiles I find myself smiling back.

"They were telling the truth" he smiled causing my heart to race as he bought his head closer to mine, resting his hand on my cheek, the metal off his ring cooling me down as it made contact with my skin.

Our lips merely brushed eahothers but the sound of the doorbell scared us as I jumped back.

Luke sighed, stood up and answered it, this gave me time to bring my heart rate back down, I was breathing heavily and my mind was racing.

We were about to kiss.

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