Chapter Seventeen-

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"Iris?" I heard Luke's voice, I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep when I heard my bedroom door open.

"Oh iris thank fuck for that" he said but I remained asleep.

"Iris I'm so fucking sorry, I'm so sorry" he said causing me to sit up and stare at him, my eyes raw from all the tears.

Luke turned on the light and gasped.

"Have you been crying?" He asked worridly.

I ignored him.

"Iris I didn't mean for it to get like that, I didn't know" he stuttered.

"Luke it hurt so much seeing you go up to those girls, laugh with them and ignore me, you acted like I wasn't even sat at that table all by myself?!" I yelled and stood up out of bed, luke was the other side of my bed staring at me with worry.

"I watched you Luke, I saw you kiss her cheek and then her lips!" I shouted.

"She turned her head iris" luke said.

"You shouldn't go around kissing girls anyway Luke! God why am I crying, why am I even bothered its not like we're together is it?!" I yelled, I couldn't stop myself from shouting and crying.

"What?" Luke gasped causing me to frown.

"Its not like you've asked me, we haven't spoken about it" I said calmly now.

"Iris, sometimes it doesn't need to be asked, just sometimes you know, you feel it, I thought we were together?" He said causing my eyes to widen.

"So why leave me at that table for those girls" I sighed.

"I can't ignore my fans" he said, "and I won't let you, I'm not going to make you choose all I ask is for you not to ignore me completely for them, it fucking hurt", I said and he nodded.

Luke walked around my bed and came over to me.

"Let's not be mad at each other please?" He asked and I sighed.

"I know more about you then you think, you cry at sad films, you've never moved out of this town, you hate horrors and you bite your lip when you're either turned on or trying not to cry" he said causing me to look up at him with shock.

"Your favorite color is purple and you love theme parks and you also waste your time with a dickhead like me" he said causing me to shake my head.

"That last one was wrong" I smiled and Luke smashed his lips onto mine with such passion and desire I forgot who's air I was breathing.

"I'm so fucking sorry iris" he whispered afterwards, "it's okay Luke" I smiled weakly.

"When you left I was so fucking scared, I thought you got kidnapped, when I looked over to our table and you wasn't there my heart dropped, literally cracked, what does that tell you?" He said causing my chest to rise up and down heavily.

"When I asked the waitor where you were he said you walked out, but you also left this" he said and brought out a fifty pound note.

"Don't you ever leave me again and don't you ever pay for the meal I was paying for" he winked and put the money on my nightstand.

"Okay, I won't" I smiled, "promise me?" He asked, "I promise" I nodded.

Luke looked down then back up, he looked nervous, his pupils had dilated and he was slightly shaking.

I was about to ask if he was okay but he opened his mouth first.

"Iris, will you consider being in a relationship with me?" Luke said with a smile, my heart was racing, my breath glitched my smile wouldn't fade, my stomach was bursting with butterflies.

"Of course I will" I said causing him to kiss me deeply again.

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