Chapter Thirteen-

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I was sat on the sofa playing with my phone, me and Kath watching the telly.

"If I was ever famous I think I'd be scared of the paparazzi, are they intimidating?" Kath asked causing me to frown.

"You're so random" I laughed but suddenly my phone stated vibrating causing me to jump and when I looked at my screen my face lit up

"Luke, hey" I smiled, "hello love, I was wondering its eight o'clock at night" he said a causing me to giggle.

"Have you had your tea yet?" He asked causing me to burn with electricity, he does this to me, makes me burn with the feeling of fire and desire.

"Nope" I say popping the "p".

"Good its settled, we're going out" he said causing me to smile.

"Anywhere nice?" I asked "defiantly, oh and just so we're both clear this is a date" he said and then hung up.

My heart was racing full speed, I need to dress, do my hair and do my makeup

After telling kath the details she was now straightening my hair as I was doing my makeup perfectly.

I got a text through:


"Iris, I'm going to pick you up at nine on the dot, love L.xx"

"Kath quick I only have half an hour!" I shouted and after two minutes she had finished, I decided to leave it down and straight for once, it made it look longer as it was different to my wavy hair.

I chose a tight black dress that came to mid thigh and my black dolly shoes, I'm not one for heels.

The front doorbell rang and kath ran down to answer it, why am I so nervous?

"Calm down, breathe" I told myself, I sprayed some perfume and went to the top of the stairs, as I was walking down I looked up and saw Luke.


The Fame Of The Unfortunate Girl - Luke FriendWhere stories live. Discover now