Chapter Forty Four-

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"Are you here for Gabriella?" A man in a blue tissuey looking suit asked us.

"Uh, yeah? " i said and Luke looked down to me and smiled, "see, everything with you is an adventure" he winked and we followed the doctor into a room, hopefully it was the girl we helped.

I let out a relieved sigh when I saw it was her,  bright pink hair,  skinny figure but a pretty face.

I envied her body and wanted to shoo Luke out.

I shook my head at myself and the doctor sighed,  "I hate to ask but, do you know why Gabriella would of over dosed?" He asked and rubbed his cheek.

My eyes widened and i bit my lip, Luke was staring at me intently with a burning desire in his eyes, i quickly stopped biting my lip and looked away.

I tried to think and think but I knew nothing about this girl, at all.
Should I lie? Or tell the truth?

"Well we uh, we don't really know her" Luke joined in causing my heart rate to cool.

"Oh, i see, well as far as my computer is telling me she doesn't have any family members or emergency contacts" the doctor said and my heart sunk.

"She said she didn't want to see anyone earlier so I'm guessing if you leave a note she would be happy with that?" He said and i sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

"We sat on those thin awful plastic shitty chairs for three hours just for you to tell us to fuck off! Are you joking me!" I yelled and Luke grabbed my arm.

"Iris, stop" Luke warned and i sighed again.

"I try so god damn hard at everything, heck I may have even saved a girls life tonight and do they put that in the papers?  No! All they like to put in the fucking papers is the fact that I dress plainly and i get hate, come on Luke" i said and stormed out.

"You didn't need to shout at him iris" Luke sighed and held my hand tighter.

"He pissed me off" i laughed and so did Luke.

"is that how you really feel..about the press?" he asked and i nodded, "I just feel as though they are always on my back" i said and Luke frowned, "You didn't see the page on 'best coupled celebrities'?" Luke asked and I shook my head.

"We got on the list baby, they don't always write shit about you,  it's just thats the stuff you're more likely to get a reaction from, they're just arrogant low lives with nothing better to do" he said and i nodded.

We finally got to his car and drove to Lukes mums.

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