Chapter 18

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I woke up the next morning, earlier than usual. I headed downstairs and started making breakfast and lunch for Stiles to take on his trip.

Dad and Stiles came down at the same time and I take Stiles' bag from him to fill it with food and drinks.

"Don't forget you need to get Scott and Issac." I say to Stiles and he nods. "I know." He says and I smile.

After Stiles rushed out the door I turned to dad confused. "Did you two argue again?" Dad asks and I shake my head no. "I don't maybe he's going through a weird phase again." I say and dad nods.

"I gotta go sweetheart, I'll see you this evening." Dad says and I nod. "Bye." I say handing him his coffee and giving him a wave as he heads for the door.

I head upstairs and have a shower. After my shower I get dressed. I put on some black jeans and a red sweatshirt. I blow dry and straighten my hair before deciding on doing my makeup. Once I was ready, I went to the coffee store.

Once I headed inside and started helping out. I took orders and made coffee for hours.

At 5pm, I decided to head home because Stiles should be home by now so I should probably start dinner.

But when I parked my car on the drive, there was no Jeep. I headed inside were I called Stiles.

It took a few seconds for him to actually answer.

"Nia, are you alright? What's wrong?" He asks instantly. "Nothing. I'm just wondering where you are." I say placing my stuff down on the kitchen counter. "We're staying at a hotel tonight because the meets been cancelled." Stiles says and I nod. "Okay, just be careful." I say and he sighs.

"Nia I need to tell you something. I was gonna wait till I got home tomorrow but I don't want you to go over and find out." He says and I furrow my eyebrows. "What is it?" I ask Stiles.

"I feel like it'll be better if you sat down. Are you sat down?" He asks and I sigh. "Stiles just tell me." I say and I hear him take a deep breath.

"It's Derek." He says and I furrow my eyebrows. "What about him?" I ask annoyed. "He died Nia, he's dead." Stiles says and sadness over washes me alomg with skepticism.

"Your lying." I say and Stiles sighs. "I promise you im not." He says softly and something in his tone makes me believe him.

"How?" I ask as my voice cracks. "The Alpha pack. I don't know all the information, we'll tell you as soon as we get back tomorrow." Stiles says and I nod. I didn't wanna cry on the phone to Stiles but I didn't think I could say anymore with out breaking down so I quickly ended the phone call.

As the phone call ended I slid down the wall like what they did in the movies. I never thought I'd get so upset over something that would make me slid to the floor. But Derek is dead and it's one of the worst pains I've felt in my life.

With my mom, I knew, we all knew she wasn't going to make it. But Derek, he's healthy and everything was okay. He was supposed to call me and tell me he was sorry for treating Issac that way and he realised what he did was awful and we were supposed to go back to the normal teasing.

Oh my God. He's dead. Derek's dead and the last thing I said to him was "where do your loyalties lie?" I should've called him. I should've went over there and saw that he knew what he did was wrong.

The more I sat on the kitchen floor crying, the more I felt like an awful person for arguing with him. The more I felt like an idiot. The more I felt the need to apologise.

I grab my phone and go through my contacts till I found his name. I clicked on it immediately and listened and hoped he would answer. Which he clearly wouldn't.

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