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A few years later

Nia's POV
"Fuck off." I shout at Derek. "It's not that deep Nia. Just fucking open the door." He says and bangs on our bedroom door.

After Derek and I were able to come back to Beacon Hills we ended up buying a house. We still have the loft but it just gets so cold in there, especially in the winter.

Our house became where everyone meets for 'pack meetings'.

Stiles stays between dad's and our place a lot. He doesn't want dad to be too lonley but he wants to feel more independent which apparently happens when he's under my roof.

After a few years, Issac came back to Beacon Hills. He also stays with Derek and I, like I promised he could.

I never thought our lives would be this normal. Things have completely calmed down, well... not completely, but it is a lot calmer.

I've even had time to drag Derek on dates.

"I can break down the door. And trust me I will." Derek shouts. "I dare you to try." I shout back and he groans.

"What's going on?" I hear Issac ask. "Nothing." I hear Derek say before sighing. I roll my eyes and stand up from the bed to slowly move up to the door.

"Nia!" He yells but I ignore him. Maybe if I cry it'll work, it always has. I've mastered the art of fake crying, I'm a literal pro.

"Move out of the way of the door." Derek says but I don't. "Nia! I'm seriously about to kick this god damm door down and trust me I will. If you don't move from behind it, you will get hit too." He yells and I roll my eyes but still take a few steps back.

To my surprise, he does actually kick the door down.

"You better fix that." I say to him as he stalks over to me. "I don't give a fuck about the door right now Nia." He says and I roll my eyes.

"Look, I just think we should wait." He says sitting beside me at the foot of our bed. "I don't want to wait." I complain and lie down.

"I'm getting old." I say and he laughs. "Don't laugh at me." I say and he helps me sit up. "It's not worth the hastle." He says and my eyes water.

"It is. It is. But I don't want to lose you. It's different for a werewolf to have a werewolf baby but for a human  to have a werewolf baby, I couldn't do that to you." He says and I roll my eyes.

"If you get pregnant, by me, it will miscarry and if it doesn't you will die and if that doesn't work you'll still become weak and fragile. So no. I don't want a baby." He says and I groan.

"There are so many ways to get rid of that problem." I say and he raises an eyebrow. "Get Scott to bite me." I say and he sighs.

"Come on." I try and argue. "Nia, my answer is no. If you want a baby, then you'll have to leave." He says and I sigh.

"I don't want to leave. I just want a baby." I sigh and he puts an arm around me and I lean into him.

"I'm sorry Nia. But I'm not willing to lose you for a baby." He says and I groan. "But you'll love it. It'll will be ours. Our baby. It will obviously have to gain my humor because you're boring. Sorry not sorry. And then my good looks and my... you know what everything about me because let's be honest... I carry our relationship." I say and he rolls his eyes.

"Let's hope it doesn't inherit that bonked nose." He says and I punch him. "You're fucking horrible." I say and he smiles.

"We can choose out clothes and names and all the exciting stuff. You'll continue your family line." I say and he groans.

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