Chapter 44

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Derek had to practically drag me from the hospital this morning. Well, if you wanna be technical, he dragged me about three feet before throwing me over his shoulder.

He took me back home and even carried me upstairs.

When he put me on the bed I had glared at him.

So after getting ready I just spent the whole day anxiously waiting by my phone for an update on dad's surgery.

His surgery went fine and he went back to work, like a psychopath. He should just rest.

But me? I paid off bits off of the medical bills because I am their guardian angel, you can't convince me otherwise.

Yet again, no clue how I ended up at the school. Actually, I do know. I got into Derek's car, but I have no clue why I'm here.

Derek was walking behind Braeden, and I was walking behind Derek. He had one hand on his gun and the other towards me.

Braeden knocked someoneout with a gun and then me and Derek turn a corner.

Some deputies were heading towards us, Scott, Malia and Liam were all on the floor and soaking wet.

Derek and Braeden fight the deputies and I just watch in amazement. Derek is so hot when he fights.

I help Liam up as Derek walks over to us.

"What happened to the gun?" Scott asks. "You're covered in gasoline." Derek says in disgust. "Oh yeah." Scott says as Derek helps him up.

"Are you okay?" Derek asks me and I roll my eyes. "I'm fine." I say and he just nods.

"Let's get you kids outta here." I say still supporting Liam.

I help him to Derek's car and climb in to it. "No one's in any state to drive." I say as Scott tries to argue with me.

After we drive them all home, I get a text from Melissa informing me that Stiles is in the hospital.

Once I get to the hospital I find Melissa and she leads me to his room.

"What the hell happened?" I ask when I see Stiles sat on his bed. "Nothing, we went to Eichen house and one of the staff, Brunski, tried to kill us." He says ans I roll my eyes.

Stiles jumps up and walks to the door where Melissa stands. "Im completely and totally fine." Stiles says as Melissa pushes him back.

"You completely and totally have a concussion, Stiles. Lie back down. The doctor said you're not leaving without a CT scan." Melissa says sternly.

"We still haven't paid for the last one." He argues and Melissa pushes him bacm in the room. "You're last CT had been paid. Meredith is at the station. Your dad said it could take some time. But he will get het to talk." Melissa says.

"Even if I let you go, what would you do?" She asks. "Nothing, now get the fuck on that bed stiles." I say and he rolls his eyes before sitting on the bed.

"Can you do me one little favour?" Stiles asks Melissa. "Anything." Melissa says. "Can you get me a tape player?" He asks.

"Like cassettes?" Melissa asks and I giggle. "Yes. Tapes." Stiles says and Melissa nods as she leaves.

"I'm not having a CT." He says and I nod. "Fine." I say sitting beside him.

"You don't have to stay." He says and I shrug. "There isn't anywhere I'd rather be." I say and he scoffs. "Sure." He says sarcastically.

"We can't afford this stay Nia or amother CT."  He mutters. "Don't worry about it, Stiles." I say and he exhale's deeply.

"How can't I worry about it Nia, we're constantly in this state." He says and I grab his hand. "It will be okay." I confirm and he sighs. "Nia it won't." He says and I roll my eyes.

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