Chapter Twenty-Three

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I see Chris huge Black wolf coming toward me. He stops and sits in front of me. I notice that everyone around us are sneaking glances at us. I lift my hand and touch Chris's head. He leans down and touches his huge wolf fore head against mine.
“Thank god you don't have dog breath." I tell him. He makes a chuckling noise in his throat and shakes his huge head.
I smile at him and sit down on the soft summer grass. Chris lies next to me and puts his wolf head on my lap. I pet his nice soft fur and he licks my hand. Its peaceful and I'm glad for the few seconds of peace.
Chris's huge blue green wolf eyes stay on me. I guess he's trying to see if I feel uncomfortable.
“I like your parents. Their very...cheerful and diffrent. In a good way. They seem excited to be grandparents. I think your mom doesn't like that I'm pregnant before marriage or the marking."
He looks at me and tilts his head to the side. I see his frown before he stands and goes into a cabin. I quickly get up and follow him.
When I enter the cabin I see a very naked Chris.
“Sorry!" I say as I turn around.
“Why do you do that? You've obviously seen me naked already for you to be pregnant." He says as he comes up behind me and turns me around to face him. He has his shorts on but no shirt.
I feel myself turn red. “I've seen you only one time. And I'm not that into seeing people naked." I tell him honestly.
“Well I'd like to see you naked again." He says as he kisses my lips.
“Oh!" I squeak.
“Yes, Oh..." He says as he kisses my neck. I hear my breathing get heavier and heavier the more he continues to kiss me. His hands have slipped under my shirt and he's playing with the clasp in the back.
“Chris...we have to go." I tell him breathlessly.
“Just...a...few...more minutes." He says as he slides my shirt high and higher up. He's about to kiss my left breast...
Shit," Some guy says as he steps out of some shower rooms. “Sorry Alpha. I didn't know someone was in here. I didn't see anything.... I'm leaving."  He says as he quickly leaves with only a towel around his hips.
Christopher growls and I snap my shirt down quickly. I see Chris began to shake and he seems to want to follow the guy.
Chris! Hey calm down. It wasn't his fault. He didn't know. And he didn't see anything. Come on we have to go see my uncle. We can't be late." I tell him as I hold his arm. He stops and turn to face me.
“Fine let's go."

“So you think your uncle can really help?" I ask Rey as we get out good from Whataburger. Rey halfway unwraps my burger and hands it to me. She gets her BBQ Chicken Strip sandwich and takes a big bite. I chuckle at her and she frowns at me.
“Well," she says as she swallows her food. “I hope he can give us some answers. For all we know my parents could have left him in the dark as well."
“True. What are you going to do if he has no answers."  I ask her.
“I'll keep looking for answers. I need to know if my mom is alive. I don't really remember her that much. But I get glimpses. And I know she was a nice loving person."  Rey seems to be lost in her thoughts. Probably thinking about her mother. And I feel bad and I know I will help her with everything I can.
“Well we'll do everything we can do. I'll have some of my people look into it as well. You ready to go?" I ask her.
“Yeah, I'm fed and ready to ask my questions."
I begin to drive towards Rey's house and she continues to eat her food. She turn the radio on and begins to blast the song Uptown Funk. She smiles and begins to dance I smile at her and she lifts my hand and shakes it in the air. I grab her hand link our fingers together and kiss the back of her hand. The song stops and another begins. She continues to dance as we make our way onto 290 and head towards Fairwood.
Right when I pull up to her house I feel that something isn't right.
“Rey do you mind if I go into the house first? I want to talk to your uncle about the whole marriage thing." I lie to her. I only lie because if I tell her something's wrong then she'll want to go in and I won't be able to stop her.
“Okay. Just be careful. My uncle is good with guns." She says as she kisses my cheek.
“Okay. I'll leave the keys here just in case you want to turn the air on." And if something goes wrong and I need you to leave. I think to myself.
“'Kay be careful!" She says as I close the door. I make sure to lock the doors before I get out of the truck. The keys are in the ignition just in case she needs to get out of here. I walk to the front the door and knock on the door. It opens gently as I knocked I feel my body tense I look behind me and see Rey in the truck dancing to some other song.
I don't want to leave her alone but she's safer in the truck then her next to me. Especially with the new enchantment I put on it.   I step into the house and listen carefully for any little noise. Everything seems to be okay in the house as I move around. Right as I'm about to walk into the living room I hear a gun go off and three seconds later a bullet smash into the door way three inches from my head. Another one quickly follows and it almost hits me but I move in time.
“You shouldn't have come back. The old man is gone. My boss just left me here to make sure I get rid of you." I hear a male voice say.
I'm standing against the living room doorway and I begin to they to find out where he's located at. I close my eyes and take a big sniff. My hearing ability begins to sharpen as well and I quickly discover that he's on the top stair step looking down at me.
“Why don't you come out and get rid of me like a real man? Why use a gun? Only cowards do that." I tell him as I try to see if I can exist through the kitchen.
“Well, mainly cause this right here is easier. And don't even think of leaving through the kitchen the house is surrounded and so is your little girl toy." He snickers.
I let out a deep menacing growl. As I hear him say this.
“Leave her alone." I tell him.
“Well I might. She's okay for now. No one's close to her. She probably can't even see them. You see we specialize in that."
“So I'm guessing your not human then." I ask him as I try to mind link with my beta.
“No I'm human. I'm just a very well trained human. And your a werewolf. Or moon shifter. But not just any werewolf. Your an alpha. Y'all are some hard sons of bitches to kill. Not impossible but sure not hell easy." He says as he moves slightly to his left. I move more to my right and I'm glad I did or else he would have shoot my left shoulder.
“Since your so convinced your gonna kill me, then tell me who sent you to kill me and where is the old man?" I ask him.
My beta and more of the pack is on their way. But I need to get info from this guy.
“Well what if I say I can't tell you anything?" He asks as he moves again.
“Id say your bull shitting me." I tell him honestly.
“Well then I guess I can tell you something's. Not everything. But first let me ask you a question. Is that girl out there Rey?"
“Who's asking."
Three minutes from your two. Mike mind links me.
“My boss that's who. And he just so happens to be her dad."
“Is he here?" I ask him.
“Nah, he doesn't come to these things. He doesn't like to get his hand dirty." He says as I feel him move. I here him pick his gun up, I can also hear him lick his lip as he's about to shoot.
The door bangs open and Mike is quickly on top of him with his mouth on his throat. I quickly jump up and push Mike off the guy, Mike bringing suprised by my ambush turns and snaps his teeth at me.
“We can get answers from him!" I roar at him. I hear a click and then a I black out.....

Dun dun dun!!!!!
Anyway hi everyone! Sorry I haven't updated so fast. Im still using my phone to update! I am very busy with high school right now, I'm trying to get into good colleges or go to the air force (still not sure) and I have only two years to go! So my mind is swamped! And on top of that I have my sweet sixteen planning to do and let me tell you its time consuming! Then I also have to work and practice after school for my ROTC drill comps! Its a lot! But either way I will try to update fasterand I want to thank all of you that have been liking and reading my stories and thanks for the comments. I know their are a lot of grammar and spelling errors I will try to get to all of them at some point. Anyway I just want to say thank you to all my readers, likers, and comenters!!!! Love you all!!!!

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