Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I'm battling with my self. Should I tell Rey about the email. Or I could hide it and try by best to never let her know I lied to her.
Lie is such a strong word its more like protect.
Dammit that sounds crazy!
I turn the water off and open the door to grab my towel. I hear one strong heart beat and a faint one. Looking up I see Rey sitting on the sink top. She has her legs fold Indian style, her head leaning back against the long mirror and her eyes closed.
“Rey, is something wrong?" I ask her as I wrap a towel around my waist.
“Why don't you like Alexis?" Is all she says in response. She hasn't moved from her former position. And j honestly don't know if she's mad or calm.
“Now, why on earth would you think I don't like her?" I grab another towel and begin to dry my hair.
“Hmmm, I don't Christopher maybe because every time you see her or I mention her you get all pissed huffing and puffin." Now she is looking at me.
“Well its not she likes me!" I shoot back at her. “Everytime I come around she's all pissed talking crap to me. And always butting into our relationship! You know I don't like that!" Calm down, your getting to mad a d you might shift. Deep breaths. My wolf tells me.
I shrug him away.
“Well maybe if you were to be more welcoming she wouldn't really dislike you. And I'm going to talk to her about both y'alls discomfort around each other." She tells me as she stand up. She dashes out of the room furiously.
“Well that makes me sooo fucking happy." I snap back at her.
“Why are you so fucking immature today?" She asks me as she turns to face me.
“I am not." I say as I slam the bathroom door on her face.
Yes you are. My wolf chimes in.
“You make me so sick!" She screeched as she hits the door.
I quickly change and open the door. I don't see Rey in the room.
Fuck where did you go this time?" I mummer under my breath and dash out the room.


I walk down the stairs and look up to see Rick.
“Rey!" He calls my name as he gives me a hug and a friendly kiss on the cheek.
“Hey Rick, when did you get here?" I ask him.
“About two hours ago. I was actually looking for you."
“Why? Is something wrong?" I ask.
“Well I wouldn't say wrong. But your grandparents are on their way and should be here in about four hours. They want to see the happy couple and bless you two the royal way." He says as he scratches the back of his head.
Wait their almost here!" I ask him as my eyes widened in surprise. Why didn't they call? Send a heads up!
“Yeah they'll be here in four hours." He says calmly.
“I need to tell the pack." I tell him as I turn around heading o go find Ann. I turn around quickly and Rick looks at me with a raised eyebrow. “Would you so kindly pass this memo on to Christopher?" I ask him.
“Trouble in paradise?" He asks noticing my uneasy ness.
“Something like that. But please go tell him." I tell him as I give him a weak smile.
“Your okay though right?" He asks concerned.
“Yeah." And with that I walk to go look for Ann.


“Hey Chris!" I turn to see that its Rick calling me. Why does this idiot always have to be here?! Just go the fuck away!
I continue to ignore him and look for Rey.
“Rey wants me to pass a message to you. Since she's not in the mood to be seeing you right now." He says with a smirk. I turn around and in a flash have him by his collar.
“Butt the fuck out from my relationship." I growl at him. He just smiles and tries to get lose.
“Hey I'm just saying. But she wants me to tell you, that her grandparents will be here in a few hours. So get dolled up for her." He says with a smart grin.
I push him away and he starts to chuckle. “Hey I'm just the messenger."
“Yeah well fuck off Rick. And where's Rey at?" I ask him.
“Now why would I tell you that. She's obviously pissed at you. I don't want her pissed at me too."
“Cut the crap Rick. Your going to tell me or I will kick your ass." I tell him and he burst out laughing.
“I'm not playing. So tell me."
“With your mom. Their talking about her grandparents. And it seems like your mom is excited with Rey's family coming."
I turn and look at him oddly. How does he know this. He looks to be in a daze.
“How do you know all this?" I ask him. He seems to snap back into reality.
“The guardian connection of course." He says as if its so obvious.
What guardian connection?"
“I can see everything she's doing, know how she feels. Think what she thinks. That what the guardian connection is. Shows how much you know alpha." He says with a smirk. I can tell he means it as a joke. But this new found information is making me pissed. I feel myself losing control and Rick seems to notice this too.
“Hey dude calm down." He says quickly, “stop flipping shit. I don't always look into her life. So calm done."
“What have you seen?" I ask him. My eyes are closed as I try to control myself.
“Not much. And I promise nothing bad. Or personal." He says.
“Yeah, well stop doing that. And if I find out you have seen something you shouldn't have I will kill you."
“You make a lot of threats. But you never follow through." He mummers.
“Trust me you don't want me to." He chuckles and follows me.
“Christopher!" I turn to see my dad heading my way. “The Royals are on their way! Are you even worried? Do you have the pack briefed? Do you know how to handle this?" He continues to ask other questions and I can tell that he is very nervous for the arrival of the Royals.
“Dad, calm in down. I got this. I will set a meeting with the pack and let them know that we will have the Royals here as long as some humans so they have to be on their best behavior. And I will make sure that the Royals have a good room and that the time they spend here is up to their standards."
“Okay," he says as he visually relaxes. “I suppose you know what you're doing."
“Trust me dad I do." I tell him with a nod.
“Yeah, well now you need to explain to me why you keep upsetting Rey up? Why don't you let her be in the action when it comes to information about her parents? She has every right to know every little thing you learn."
“Why is everyone butting into my relationship!" I explode.
My dad looks surprised but then a hard expression crosses his face.
“Christopher you have to put yourself in her shoes. She has no family left. Yes she has her grandparents but the child doesn't even know them! And she has her friend, who you don't like, and you. She just wants to understand what happened to her family. What got her here. And as her mate she expects you to have her back. So son, man up and be there for your mate." And with that he turned around and left.
I was very pissed for him scolding me like a child. But when I thought about his words I knew he was speaking the truth. Rey is very truthful to me so why can't I be with her?

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