Chapter Thirty-Two

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I know I'm sleeping but for some reason my dream feels real. I look around and notice I'm at a park, I see other people here, families.
“My dear Rey!" I hear someone call me. I turn but see no one. “Right here my baby girl." I still see no one.
Momma!" I hear a little girl squeal. I turn and see a little red head girl running to an auburn haired women.
“Oh my sweet baby Rey." I hear the mother tell the little girl. I stand there looking shocked at them. Because that's me, and my dead mother. 
“Shocking isn't it?" I turn and see my biological father next to me. “How even though you say you don't remember me out your mother, that you still dream of us." I stare at him dumbfounded. How is he here?
“I...I... What?" I stammer out.
“What, are you wondering my daughter? How am I hear? How do you see your mom?" he asks me. I just nod my head. I feel my throat dry and I'm trying to swallow but I can't even do that. I'm just stuck watching me and my mother. I'm shocked on how much we look alike. My hair color now matches hers. But I have green eyes while she has blue.
“Well my dear, this is your dream. I'm just here trying to communicant with you. Making sure your okay. I heard about you passing out."
“How?" I finally say finding my voice, “How did you find out? Who told you?"
“Tsk, tsk, tsk my dear. I can't tell you that, because then you'll know who my informer is, and I'm pretty sure your hotheaded mate will kill them. And I don't want that. I like keeping tabs on you. After all you are my seed, my child."
“If you really cared about me, you wouldn't have killed my mom, or abandoned me!" I screech at him. I run towards him raising my hand ready to smack him but he sees this and catches my wrist.
I had no choice. Your grandparents were close on us. It was your moms idea to leave. I wanted to stay." he says glaring at me.
Lies!" I try to take my arm from him but he pulls me back to him.
“There not. Why would I want to leave? I could have become king! I would have had a full family. That's all I ever wanted. I didn't and never wanted my child to have the horrible life I had. I was constantly picked on for being what I am. Like I had a choice! My mother didn't even have a choice!  She didn't even want me because I reminded her about him! I wanted you to have a big family. But your mom wanted to leave. I begged her to stay. She said I'd go with her or forget about you two. So I decided to go with you two, my family." He says as he looks over at me and my mom. I see his younger self joining us. My little self runs into his arms and he hugs me tightly.
Daddy!" I squeal.
“Baby girl!" he says kissing the top of my head.
“And then," he says pulling me back to us. “Your mom wanted to leave again. But this time without you. And without me." he says this so heart broken that its hard to not believe him, but it has to be a lie.
“My mother wouldn't have left me. No mother could leave there baby." I tell him finally pulling free from him.
“That's what I thought, but she still left. She didn't even say goodbye. Me and James were shocked. Then I went after her."
“That's bullshit. And I'll tell you why it because you sent to kill my uncle James!" I yell at him.
“What are you talking about? Why would I do that?" he asks shocked.
“Because you know that if he was alive he'd tell me the truth. He'd tell me you killed my mother! Your a cold hearted son of a bitch! You ruined my family-"
Enough!" he cuts me off. “I didn't choose to leave you. Blame your mother for this. Your grandparents will never see that she was and is the one that brought all this heartbreak to them. I had no say!"
“Well I don't believe you, I'm going to have more then your word to believe those words. Your statements make no sense." I begin to feel my dream get blurry, everything seems to be going away...
“Dammit your mate is waking you up, just try to understand my words Rey, and do know that I'm not your real enemy here. There is someone else out there. Your really important and you play a big part in this." He says all this quickly knowing he's running out of time.
“Part of what?" I ask him. My voice sounds distance, blurry even.
“I love you my daughter, I'll be watching you." and with that I wake up....

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