Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"Im glad that you and your wife are in good health." A man says.
"Thank you Thomas, I'm glad that you are here." Chris says with a small nod. "But we are here to talk about the incidents that have come up in the past four months. It seems like our packs are mainly being targeted. More the top five packs. We will do this as we always do. Mike and I will talk about our few encounters with rouges and what not and from there go down the line. From Alpha pack down to Juliet pack." He says. Everyone but one person agrees with this.
"And why not your wife? Can't she help you with giving y'alls pack briefing?" A tall lanky guy says. He gives me an odd look. As if he's trying to see what's wrong with me. I duck my head not really wanting him to look at me anymore.
Tell him to fuck off! My wolf says. I shake my head trying to get rid of her. And why not?! He has no right to be judging you in our house. Listen to what he's saying. At first I'm lost by her words but then I begin to hear the mans thoughts in my head.
"Is she really that useless? Or is she that spoiled from being the next heir in line?" I quickly look up and catch him still staring.
"Steven I don't like how your looking at my wife. So if you could please." Chris says.
Did he not hear his thoughts! My wolf screams. I jump slightly surprised by her outburst.
I hear a growl come from Rick, and I know he has heard what this guy has said. Oh he's still talking crap. Say something! Stop being a sissy! Stand your ground women! She says loudly.
"Stop talking about the house Luna, Steven." Rick says interrupting Christopher, who's talking about the attacks.
Steven quickly turns pink and looks down.
"Is there a problem Steven?" Chris asks him. Everyone in the room turns to look at Steven.
"Just wondering why your mate isn't talking or helping you" he replies through tight lips.
"Are you questioning the authority of your next Queen?" Stefano asks. Now everybody's heads look down. "Because that wouldn't be smart." He adds.
"Its fine grandpa. He's just curious. I'm sure he meant nothing wrong with his words." I say as I look at Stefano.
Finally our mate is doing something! My wolf says sarcastically. I turn to find Christopher looking pissed at Steven.
"My apologies for any misunderstanding." He says.
"Okay lets continue then." Christopher says as he picks up where he was interrupted.

Throughout the whole meeting I find out some pretty interesting things. The names of the packs aren't really picked, but their given to them. They are ranked in form of the phonetic alphabet. In order from Alpha Pack (being the best) to Zulu (being the worst).
I find out that Thomas is alpha of the Bravo Pack. And his wife Lesly seems to be very nice. And she knows a lot of her pack. I hope I can be as well informed of my pack as she is of hers.
"Okay. So I think we have covered everything." Christopher says clearing his throat.
"I have a question. Has your Luna's father been caught?" Steven asks.
"I do believe that that is none of your business." Rick say coming to stand at my side. I notice another guard enter the room, and takes the place where Rick was once at.
"Well since we had to be put in a lock down mode, I say it is." Steven pushes.
"You and everyone else has already been told all we know about him in the meeting I held the night of that incident." Mike says glaring towards the annoying man.
"I want to hear it from the mouth of the leaders not their second in command."
For the love of God say SOMETHING Rey!!!
"That's enough." Chris says slamming his hand on the desk. "You have no right-"
"Don't I though?" Steven cuts Chris off which you never should do. "Her father is what's brought all this death upon us. He needs to be stopped."
"I understand why you feel so negative about Rey's dad. But you will not take it out on my wife." Chris says sternly. "Understood?" He asks
Steven clenches his teeth and simply nods.
What's going on? I ask my annoying half.
I might be annoying, but I do help you. Seems like he thinks your dad killed his wife. He's now a single father of three and his pack ain't doing so good without her.
"I'm sorry." I say as I look up to see Steven's eyes on me. "I didn't know why you disliked me. But I hope you know I'm nothing like him. I don't even know him. And I'm not spoiled. I wasn't raised in the royal family money. I was raised by a stranger, after being abounded by both my parents. Only a few months ago was I even aware to this world. So I ask that before you judge me, or blame me for anything, be well informed about me." I say as I push my chair back. Rick helps me and I thank him "Now if you'll excuse me. I'm not feeling so well." I feel that the babies are moving to much and that might have to do with me not eating.

From the corner of my eye I see Margo following me so I begin to walk faster. Rick is by my side.
"Are you okay?" He asks me softly.
"Yeah, just hungry. And I don't understand how someone, that doesn't even know me, hates me." I tell him. He just nods his head.
"Well Rey you better start getting use to assholes like that. You are now one if the most hated, and most loved person ever. Other girls want to be you. They want to have the Royal blood and everything that comes with it. Plus some don't like you cause they have a thing for your hubby. But other people will hate you because they blame every wrong thing on our rulers. They think that you all controlled our destiny, when in reality only our Goddess does."
"Really? So people I don't know hates me?" I ask as we enter the kitchen.
"Yeah. But hey that's why I'm here. To shut them up!" He says with a grin.
"Yes that's exactly why he's always going to be at your side." Margo says as she enters the room. I make a face and Rick chuckles.
Margo makes her way to me giving me a kiss on the cheek and rubbing my stomach.
"Oh dear, your getting so big. Crazy how there's three in there. That just means three more heirs." She says with a smile. "Are you hungry dear? I'm about to whip something up."
"Yeah I am but I can do it." I say as I make my way to the stove.
"No no no, you sit. You really shouldn't be near heat when your pregnant." She says shooing me away.
"Uhm, Margo. I live in Texas there's always heat everywhere."
She laughs but pushes me away either way. I decide to give up and sit on a stool, Rick does the same.
"Margo I have questions." I say and Rick tilts his head at me giving me a look.
"I'll try my best to answer them." She says turning a burner on.
"Okay well." Ask about your mom. "How was my mother like?"
"Well she was an only child so she was spoiled. But she knew her limits. I think your grandpa spoiled her more though. After all she was daddy's little girl. You look like her. Although your mom was a very very thin girl. That always bothered me. But anyways, she was well aware of her future. She was always ready for taking over after us. But then she met your dad. And then she left with you." She says the last part angrily.
"Margo did you ever stop to think maybe, just maybe she left on her own?" I ask. I immediately know I've asked the wrong question because she stops what she's doing and turns to face me.
"And why would your mother do that?" She asks.
I think we've angered the bear... My wolf says. We have struck a nerve!
"Well I was thinking of what y'all told me and it doesn't make sense. If y'all said that my birth father wanted power and was evil, then why would he leave the place that could have given him all that he wanted? What if my mother had wanted to leave and y'all just never saw that?" I ask.
"Rey enough. That's crazy talk. We know it was your fathers doing." She turns to the stove. Rick gives me a 'what did you do?' Look. "Lets drop that conversation. So what do you want? Sunny side up or scrambled eggs?"
I get up from the stool and Rick stands as well.
"Actually I just remembered I have to go talk to Alexis. Go ahead and eat. I'll be back later." She just nods her head.

We are far away from the kitchen when Rick begins to talk.
"You know you pissed her off right?" He asks me.
"Yeah, but she's hiding something." I muse.
"And you do remember Alexis is gone right?"
"Dammit! I was wondering where the hell she was."
"Want to go out to eat? Because I'm hungry and I don't want to go in there and have another pleasant talk with her."
"Yeah sounds good. I'm just gonna go get changed. While I do that can you go get some guards that can go with us? I don't want Chris to get mad at me as well." Rick nods his head and leaves me alone.
I change quickly into jeggings and a long sleeve thin shirt. It shows my swollen stomach and I find it nice for some reason.

I catch up with Rick and four other guys along with two women. Rick says he'll drive so all I do is get to mess with the music while he drives. One suburban in front and a black Silverado behind us....

Hey so here's another chapie!
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- QueenAthena

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